Home Nikon Nikon P-223 3×32 – $150 ACOG Alternative

Nikon P-223 3×32 – $150 ACOG Alternative


Jim takes a quick look at one of Nikon‘s most affordable rifle scopes – the P-233 3x32mm. It fills a similar role to the fixed-power Trijicon ACOG but for $150, but can it really compete with a military-grade scope?

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  1. Hi guys please make video about REPEAL NFA/HUGHES AMENDMENT initiative, and ask each one of your 7,328+ subscriber to sign it. I know you love machine guns, SBR and supressors…
    Let's make not a 10,000 but a 1,000,000 signatures =)
    REPEAL NFA: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/repeal-nfa
    REPEAL HUGHES AMENDMENT: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/repeal-1986-hughes-amendment
    P.S. And dont forget to confirm your signature in email Letter!
    P.S.S. You can sing it even if you are not US citizen!

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