Home AR-15 AR-15 Pistol/SBR Build – Barrel Installation

AR-15 Pistol/SBR Build – Barrel Installation


Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:

I show how I install a barrel into an AR-15 upper receiver. Specifically, in this video, I am installing a barrel using the barrel nut for my Geissele Mk3 rail. This barrel nut is unique to this rail and requires no indexing for the gas tube.

Geissele Reaction Rod:
AreoShell 33MS Grease:
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  1. Got a question for you regarding the grease amount, on my build i put about the same amount of aeroshell 33ms on my castle nut and receiver extension (which they changed the name to aeroshell 64, because people were getting confused, if u didnt already know) , and grease/lube has been creeping out from between it, not the grey good stuff, just a visible coating of oiliness, do you have that same thing happening around your barrel nut/barrel/upper receiver? im trying to find a good reason why i should stop huffing this stuff everytime i shoulder my rifle, im worried i might get addicted. Thanks. -D

  2. High quality parts huh…something is out of spec if you have to beat that hard to install a barrel..high quality lmao
    Forgot to say with the half tube of grease you used that barrel should have slipped in with no prob what so ever.

  3. I would heat the upper receiver it gets hot when you're shooting anyway let it cool down then apply Grease barrel nut I do however light coat of grease on
    Barrel extension

  4. wonder if it is necessary to tighten and losen 3 times before doing final torque when you are putting a new barrel into a old receiver? also did you have your wrench coming straight off the torque tool or 90 degrees? i think i have watched about 200 vids on the ''proper'' way to use the torque wrench with the tool and seen 300 different opinions.

  5. from an engineer's stand point, the amount and type of grease are very important. but I'll mention only an example that correlates with a firearm system.In an AR15, the reason you should apply grease on the inside diameter of the end barrel and the upper receiver is to avoid corrosion from dissimilar metals, also known as cold welding. the barrel being any variant of steel and the upper being aluminum(same is true for the barrel nut and threads). A secondary benefit is the ease of removal later on how ever, now the type of grease will become relevant, you want a grease that holds its lubricity, consistency/viscosity and not cook or dry under the extreme temperature fluctuations the barrel creates at the lubricating point, you also do not want lubrication to liquify and enter the detonating chamber or run off along the barrel, and any internal excessive grease will also expand like any other material on earth when put under heat so having excessive grease will cause extreme pressures while it attempts to expand where it isn't supposed to which may cause deformation, cracks or an explosion.
    Simply put, you only need a dab of your favorite anti-seize on the threads and a smear a small dab along the inside of the upper where you would slide the barrel in, you should feel it, not really see it. and as mention previously, lubrication on threads will greatly alter the required torque, in other words you applied more torque than your indicated 40FT lbs BUT its no where close to the top end limit of your torque window, which is around 90 ftlbs

  6. I agree with something being out of spec, that barrel extension should have slid on with little effort. You should NEVER have to pound a receiver onto the barrel, how will you ever get it back off? I bought a receiver honing bar a while back. It trues both the receiver well and the barrel nut threads and smooths out the extension hole, making everything concentric to the bore. I've seen videos of some threads off by up to 30°, canting the barrel. The hone will square up the threads and hone the receiver at the same time (a little goes a long way!). I like the Geissele barrel nut and action tool.

  7. great video . just wondering for my build I used aeroshell but only torqued to 30 once and my wrench broke Chinese armours wrench lol should I be worried about anything or should that be alright for it not backing out

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