Home StreamLight Thrunite Ti4 vs. Streamlight Stylus Pro: Which One Wins?

Thrunite Ti4 vs. Streamlight Stylus Pro: Which One Wins?


The Streamlight Stylus Pro is a classic compact, EDC light. The Thrunite Ti4 is newer to the market, but it’s getting quite a bit of attention. In this video, we’re going to talk about these different lights and compare them. Which one would work best for you? Check it out and see.

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White【CREE-XP-G2 LED-Strobeモード/dp/B00WWOZN5E/

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– Condor Messenger Bag:

– Bahco Laplander Folding Saw:

– Mora Companion Knife:

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– Klean Kanteen Water Bottles:

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– Interview – Travis Haley of Haley Strategic:
– Tim’s EDC/Everyday Carry Bag:

– Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman, originator of The Sheepdog Concept
– Travis Haley of Haley Strategic
– Chris Costa of Costa Ludus
– The team over at ITS Tactical
– NutnFancy and his YouTube channel/community
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– Rob Pincus of I.C.E. Training

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  1. I purchased a TI4 since my last post and haven't gone be back to the Streamlight Stylus Pro ever since. Most of my need for light is to illuminate an area. The TI4 throws a floods beam, not a focused beam of the Stylus Pro. The main shortcoming is when I carry it in my pants pocket and the button might get accidentally pushed. The solution to that is I avoid carrying it in my pants pocket whenever I can. That aside, I'm very satisfied with the TI4 and would recommend it over the more expensive Stylus Pro.

  2. The Thrunite has the most annoying and rage inducing sounding click I've ever heard in my life. Do you have to click it twice? You can't half-click? It sounds like you are clicking from inside the microphone and it's so crunchy!

  3. Enjoyed your review. I have carried a Streamlight Stylus Pro probably since they first came out. I have worn out three switches, but haven't took them up on their warranty because I felt I got my moneys worth out them before they failed (flicker, go out when on.) The one complaint I have with Streamlight is I find it difficult, if not impossible to go from momentary mode to constant because of the rubber end and not having a proper grip on it to push straight down. I carry a Protac 2AAA and don't mind cycling through the modes, but still have the same issue with the button. I think the Thrunite TI4 exposed button might address that issue for me. I'm going to give one a try.

  4. I just cannot find any use for multiple modes. I have these higher-lumen flashlights (Fenix LD-20) with the multiple modes and strobe, and I just get annoyed every time I have to mess with that.

    Clicky plus one mode plus reliability — if they ever mess with the Streamlight Stylus Pro by adding goofy modes, I'm going to be mad. It is as close to perfection as I have found.

  5. As an owner of both of these lights I have my own opinions that I figure I will state here.

    Build Quality: The streamlight build quality is way better than the thrunite. My ti4 actually came broken out of the box and had to contact thrunite to get it resolved. But that may have been a 1 in a million chance. But the switch is what was broken and the switch feels very cheap. While on the thrunite is is very solid but it is almost too solid and is hard to press for the first month or two of owning the light and EDC use. The Ti4 can and will turn on in your pocket every now and then the streamlight wont. The body of the ti4 feels like it will bend easier than the streamlight but they are both pretty solid. The pocket clips are good on both. I feel like the streamlight is stronger but it is just clipped on like you see in the video while the ti4 is under the switch. You will also be replacing the o-rings on the Ti4 more often than on Stylus pro just because of the design.

    Ease of use: The Streamlight wins this one hands down. Its easy to change batteries and operate since its on or off, but the stiffness of the switch does hurt it here. The Ti4 on the other hand can be a pain when replacing batteries since the pocket clip will come lose you have to get it set back on this little notch or else you lose that water resistance. BUT you can also just take off the head to to replace the batteries and thats easier, the stylus pro does not have this option. You can only remove the switch. This means that is batteries corrode and swell inside the stylus pro you will have to send it off to streamlight but this should never happen. The modes on the Ti4 are confusing. Sometimes it saves what mode you were on when you last used it and sometimes it doesn't. Also (this may just be mine) it doesn't always turn on because of that crappy switch. Also the battery life is better on the streamlight but thats not really a comparison here because of the vastly different outputs and modes but just know on the Ti4 you will be replacing the batteries more often than the streamlight with basic everyday use in both high and medium mode.

    Expected Lifetime: The Streamlight feels like it will last for ever and with a lifetime warranty it should. The Thrunite has a 2 year warranty and feels like it might just maybe last 2.1 years. The coating on the streamlight wears off. I own 3 of them and they all have the same wear pattern. right at the edge of the metal before the switch, right below and around the pocket clip, and at the last ridge coming from the head towards the switch. The thrunite has very little indications of wear just around the switch where it meats the pocket clip.

    LIGHT OUTPUT: This is the main part of this. I mean they are flashlights after all. The thrunite wins. Thrunite also offers this light in 2 different color temperatures; cool white and neutral white. I got the neutral white and hate it but that my opinion it doesn't mean the light is bad. The thrunite having the different modes and the insane 250+ lumen output just is amazing. But in the high mode the light will get warm as it eats through your batteries. The Streamlight is just bright enough to where I have never thought "damn I need more light" but if you want the brightest go with the streamlight.

    Customer Support: Thrunite is a chinese company but a good one. Streamlight is an american company and a very good one. Their support is amazing. Thrunites service is good for china but still crap in comparison.

    Price: Based on current amazon prices, Stylus Pro: $18-$22. The Ti4: $24. Just buy them both at that price.

    Overall/TL;DR: If you want the brightest and don't care for build quality go for the Ti4.If you want something that will last a long time and be hassle free go with the stylus pro. Either way they are both very good lights but for different reasons. Just choose whatever you think will suit you best. If you are a mechanic and don't need a blinding amount of light but better quality then the stylus pro may be the way to go. If you are a camper or a tacticool type person that wont be too rough on stuff then the Ti4 might be the better choice. They are both great lights and cheap enough that you can buy them both without breaking the bank.

  6. Lightweight, intense light, easy to operate with one hand- this would be an incredible tool for law enforcement or an emergency responder. I'm buying a few more immediately I doubt one could ask for a more versatile hand held light. The beam is very intense- might even do well as a self-defense item as it is blinding if shone directly in the eyes. Money well spent!

    Just saw this on Amazon: Streamlight 66118 Stylus Pro Black LED Pen … by Streamlight http://amzn.to/2bFiReK

  7. thanks for a good honest review. I edc the Streamlight , I like the one function and I noticed the fumbling kind of way you had to turn on the different functions, that wouldn't do anything but keep you focused on setting the light into the mode you wanted in an attacker situation for example, one function and shining it in the eyes Is enough to blind temporarily to get a handle on the situation faster and the fumbling to get it to strobe in an attacker situation gives the attacker a slight advantage rather than just using the one function streamlight fast and securely getting and giving you the advantage to be on top of the situation. Lets be honest each light will temporarily blind someone when shined into they eyes. If I had the Thrunight for example I probably wouldn't even try to deploy the strobe function on the light. it would have been better if it only had two functions Bright and Strobe. (My Opinion of course)

  8. I like the one mode streamlight over having to fiddle with different modes. I have put many hours of use on my stylus pro in two years, and it never fails. The battery life on the stylus is great. I literally use it everyday. If the ti4 or any other penlight had the same UI as the thrunite tn12 and had another mode at around 75lumens it would be the perfect light. As much as I use my light I really value the run-time of the stylus pro. Maybe one day someone will come out with that perfect penlight. Thrunite also makes a good flashlight, I have the TN15 and love it.

  9. i have the ti4 and itd be the perfect light for me if i could get it to come on high first. preferably when i click the tailcap button it would always come on in that mode and then id twist the head to switch modes.

  10. Hello, I carry my Stylus pro in my pocket as my EDC always. I like that because the click is strong, it does not accidentaly get turned on. How strong is the swicht on the ti4 and do you think you can carry it lose in a pocket with other things and it will not get turned on? Thanks

  11. The stream light also has a strobe light function that works on a double click really easily making it a great tac light like rather than going through the functions twice to get a blinding strobe function.

  12. I wish Thrunite would let customers engrave there flashlights with a name or company slogan etc.
    I find with EDC flashlights sometimes it falls out of my pocket I wish I could have my name on it so anyone finds it they know its mine and return it to me.

  13. I had a bad experience with the customer service of Thrunite. My 11 mo. Ti3 stopped working. When I contacted Thrunite for information on warranty, return and repair/replacement, they told me to refer to contact the vendor I had purchased it from via Amazon.com. IT'S STILL A THRUNITE! Wjat difference does it make if I send to the vendor or to the manufacturer?  After 11 mos., I don't even know who the vendor was.  Poor job Thrunite. Very petty. Too many other quality manufacturers out there to be annoyed by your pettiness..  Bye Bye

  14. Cool thing about the ti4 is that if you take a clean, dry, white, empty energy shot bottle the Ti4 will fit perfectly into the top of the shot bottle which makes a perfect diffuser for a makeshift lantern. Once you slide it into the bottle it fits so well you can hang the penlight from the top of your tent and the bottle will not fall off. It does fit inside with very little coercion. Seems like it's the suction, rather than the friction keeping it in. It is awesome!

  15. Don't have the Ti4, but do own and EDC the Ti3. Absolutely dig it, so further reinforced by your review, will strongly consider Ti4 for next pen light. Always enjoy EverdayTacticalVids.

  16. Well, their YouTube marketing splash has earned them a customer in me. Plus, I can't find my Stylus Pro for months now, so I figured what the heck. Looking forward to receiving my Ti4! Thanks for the review.

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