Part 3 of the AR-15 project. Finally! The gun is starting to look like a rifle….sort of. I was going to wait until the next day to film as it was late but I was so excited I couldn’t hold off. This was, by far, the easiest part of the build up to this point.
Stock is from Magpul ( and the buffer tube/stock kit came from Palmetto State Armory:
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“OMG he isn’t doing this, he isn’t doing that!” Jesus Christ when did all the fucking Armorers arrive. Yeah he could do more research and use anti seize or grease but fuck, how cool are you because you knew it was a castle nut and he didn’t. He’s learning, and yes, he needs to know names, torque and other things but how much shit did you know the first time ya cucks!!!!!!
Can i ask what kinda of vise that is you useing there?
Also……"Ow that hurts" U R a true dumbass Noob……..Much props, We all are in one way or another!
Props man, U seem like U have no idea and thats great! I'm a gun guy, primarily handguns, just traded a bunch of handguns for a high end ARclone and decide 2 take it apart 2 see how it functioned………everything went great and was intuitive until the buttstock/buffer tube springs got involved then all hell broke loose I figured it out but thought I'd do some after research. Wish I'd watched this first, keep making stuff Stupid Simple man!
a flat screw driver next time to compress(wedge and pivot flathead against cross bar) the spring on stock load on buffer tube(and only have to one side) it'll slide on easier, good luck with builds and videos.
thank for video I learn about the assembly.
maybe you should research the AR 15 build a little and learn what the components are called . There are torque specs for buffer tube locking collar which keeps damage from occurring to the receiver . Correct lubricants to use and other important topics
what am I watching
What is the correct torque setting for the buffer tube castle nut?
I took off the 5 position stock and that little thing that looks like a "front sight post" shot across the room! Thanks to your vid. I was able to put her back together. Good job. BTW: Love your hat! Very 'A Clockwork Orange' Esq.
heavy breathing
It wasn't that he has the wrong stock classification or buffer tube classification he wasn't using the lever correctly on the stock. You pull it the opposite way that you would when using it to adjust length. He was trying to pull it that way in order to put it on when he should be doing it reverse.
Ha! You are awesome. We are glad you had a problem getting the stock on. We wouldn't have known what to do. Thank you!
"me lady"
the hat
"Boy that has one heck of a spring."…… Pffftttt, please…. it ain't that tight. It's a simple matter of grabbing the lever at the pivot. Pull straight away from the reciever extention (what you people call the "buffer tube") and just slide the buttstock on. Not hard, complicated, or anything.
Part of me feels like he has the wrong buffer tube for the wrong stock. Didn't check if it was mil-spec or commercial
all you have to do is read the directions. dip stick
I guess we aren't properly torquing the castle nut anymore…
Horrible vice. Horrible horrible vice.
No idea what you're doing from about 5:30 on, when you attach the stock. You talk about a spring that's tight, but there's no other description of what you're doing.
What vice is that?! I really need one. It looks portable by the way.
Excellent video!! Very well done!
What kind of lube to you use?? wink wink
I really like your hat! BOLO
what about wiggling
does yours twang
Is it just me or did he not put a buffer in the tube, just the spring?
I recently bought a new buffer for my rifle but after installation the bolt carrier keeps getting stuck when I charge it and I have to mess with it to get it to release anyone know a solution?
Thank you for the help, i was having some trouble with putting on my buffer tube.
You did well to leave in the part about the stock being difficult . Vids that show possible problems are more instructional .
Id like to install a stock up you gun nuts ass and shove it till it hits your mouths and shuts you the fuck up
Grab any stock on the markets lever people. Pull the lever hard in the opposite direction that you typically would to change position. Stock slides on and off in seconds.. No matter how "strong" that pesky spring is. Common sense 101.. And stake your castle nuts.. Gtg…
It's not a "heck of a spring" you're not doing it the right or easy way.. I'm actually in awe of this video.. I want to say it's the thought that counts but I just can't.
At first I thought it was Bam Margera. That hat though.
I can imagine this guy giving really bad tutorials on how to have sex as he pretends like he's done it before.
Stick to men's fashion wear(NOT!!). I certainly wouldn't buy any AR-15 that YOU built. A command of the nomenclature of tools would be a place to start before teaching weapons assembly on video. JUNK GUN BUILDING spoken here.
i had trouble with the Magpul stock too