Home CMMG STNGR USA AR Handguards Budget or Bust!

STNGR USA AR Handguards Budget or Bust!


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Best Budget AR Handguards STNGR USA. Starting at less than $100, these are quality made right here in the USA with a Lifetime Guarantee. KeyMod and M-Lok.

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  1. If you go on eBay you can get 15 inch free-floating handguards from 19.99 to 39.99 T6 aluminum Ultra lightweight m-lok design. Also different colors why wouldn't somebody want to go with one of those why are others so expensive? They're made of the same material Etc is there any reason besides just buying name brand?

  2. I have purchased 3 so far. They keep going up in price. Probably due to them catching on. The 15 inch model is about 120 dollars now. They are still worth the money in my opinion. Very light weight and seem to be durable.

  3. Lol I have had expensive handguards and cheap ones. As long as its light weight, I have found cheap ones same type of metal cheap or polymer and weight as the expensive ones. So it really is stupid to spend $50 to what ever hundred when its all a ploy to pay brand name. I make Franken AR's best barrels I can find on the cheap and all other parts. Total costs $400 bucks for complete AR15. Alot of Japanese and Chinese company's do make quality items just have to check them out. Don't be stupid and spend hundreds on parts making your gun have $1000s in parts and you can't even get what you put in it back if you sell it. Nice video though

  4. Yeah, the prices are all +$120 now, I'm thinking because of increased popularity. While I like the aesthetics, it's largest appeal was the lower than average price which meant high value.

    I actually have a couple HWK rails that I'm debating on returning just cause I don't need them anymore, but considering I got them for sub $100 I kinda don't want to offload them

  5. I appreciate your videos thank you so much for your hard work…
    BUT. .
    "Pistol caliber carbines" don't make sense to me, if you're using it outside of a building or on a ship…
    If I'm going to use something the size of a rifle or carbine I want it to be chambered in a rifle round…
    Trying to make a 100 yard shot with a 9mm would be very challenging, if you get out to 200 or 250???
    But with a rifle that would be an easy shot..
    Just my opinion…

  6. They’re not cheap any more. I should have gotten one back when the vid was posted up the first time. Now the prices are right up there with brands like Midwest Industries and BCM. They do look good though. so I might try one anyway.

  7. I am very skeptical about these actually being made in the US.

    They go through a lot of trouble on their website to show they have been 3rd party verified made in USA. How about instead just posting a video introducing some employees and showing us their factory like every other proud american gun and gun parts manufacturer does?

    The have a PO box to some strip mall in texas not a factory or company HQ address.

    I have no problem with outsourcing production or labor. But don't piss on my back and tell me its raining.

    Like guntec and other budget rail offerings it is highly likely they get rough machined forgings from china and do the last 10% finish machining and apply their finish here in the US.

  8. I really like mine. I bought a 15" HWK for a build. I liked it so much, I bought another for my next build. I got one of their blemished models for the second build because I was going to cerakote it anyway. Even a better deal than their already low prices.

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