Here at Tactical Rifleman, we wanted a YouTube Channel where operators and civilians could go to get information on how to “Shoot, Move, and Communicate.” So, this week, we are going back to our core basics and we are going to talk about how to zero an EOTech red dot sight. EOTechs started showing up at Group in the late 90s, and are battle proven. I personally prefer a EOTech over an Aimpoint; simply because the EOTech has a smaller center dot (for fine longer distance shooting) and also has a large Circle that is easily acquired at CQB distances. Yes, there was some bad press about zero shift with massive temperature changes, but I have never had issues of zero shift. I have had several go “Dim” on me, but never lose a zero.
Now, back to the video… I thought everyone knew how to zero red dots, but we have had multiple viewers ask for help; so here we are… ask and you shall receive.
Whenever you are zeroing your sight, irons or optics, always try to ensure you have a stable firing position. That includes proper body position, sight alignment, and a good natural point of aim. Once you have properly mounted your EOTech (I’ve seen them mounted backwards), it should be fairly close right out of the box (on paper at 25 meters). You can also co-witness your EOTech to your Iron Sights, if you already have them zeroed. By this I mean, line up your iron sights on the bullseye and hold them on target, while your partner dials your red dot to your sight picture using the windage and elevation adjustments on the side of your EOTech. This works most of the time. Sometimes, if you are running a tall mount to clear illuminators/lasers, your EOTech’s objective lens may be slightly too high for this technique but, again, it works most of the time.
Whether you zero at 25, 50, or 100 meters; I don’t care. There are pros and cons of each, and we actually cover them in a different video (25 vs 50 meter Zeros ). For this video we used 50 meters.
Use a good zero target. You can download them for free all over the internet or design your own. Just make sure they print to scale. I like a big dark circle with a dot in the middle for zeroing red dot sights. Dim the dot till you can just barely see it. This will give you a small point of aim.
We like to zero with 3-5 round groups. I actually prefer 5 round groups, as I’ll cover in a later video, but that would have added 5 more seconds to an already long YouTube video. Seriously… that’s what I get told by the film crew.
Adjustments (clicks) will depend on the distance that you are shooting at.
1 click = ⅛ inch at 25 yards
1 click = ¼ inch at 50 yards
1 click = ½ inch at 100 yards
Make your adjustments and repeat. Again, fire another group, mark target, and adjust the EOTech scope as needed. Too Easy.
Once you are dead center, pop a few more shots just to make sure, and then you’re done, right? Close. Once you are zeroed, always try to go back out to distance and verify that your zero is correct. A 50 meter zero should put your 5.56mm AR rifle right on at 200 meters. So, if you have a long distance range, go out and double check your zero at 200 meters. You may find that you are slightly left/right or high/low. You can now make fine adjustments to your actual zero, 1 click = roughly 1 inch at 200 meters. Once done, now you know your rifle is dead on and you own the battlefield out to 220 meters.
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Thanks for watching. We have done videos for zeroing iron sights and other optics in the past, and will do more in the near future. Strength & Honor, TR.
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And what about Eotech on 7.62× 51 weapons,same rules?
You guys are not just teaching folks, you're helping old war dogs like me shake the dust out and stay frosty. Thanks for all your hard work making these!
Karl, excellent vid. Do you think you could cover how the proper way to use the EOTech in CQC? Specifically fighting with the ring? My observation is that the majority of guys are using the red dot to acquire sight picture, even inside 100 yards, and not using the ring. By majority I mean about 80-85% of the posts I've read and conversations I've had. I hear and read guys using the ring for range estimation only. WTH?? It would be awesome if they could hear it from the Jedi Master Blaster himself. Stay Dangerous – Robert
Its a credibility issue, they knew about the issue and said nothing. For years. How many other companies had to agree in federal court to pay a settlement?
"2015, L3 agreed to pay $25.6 million to settle claims that it knowingly supplied the U.S. military and law enforcement with thousands of defective holographic weapon sights that malfunction in hot, cold and humid conditions." Bloomberg News."
you don't have to zero an E-O Tech, they don't hold zero anyway. Thats why E-Otech got sued.
I love the Arma Dynamics targets. I use the 25m targets adjusted for 50m for red dots, and 100m for anything with a BDC.
what model eotech is that i love the wy it looks.
7:03, Im new to this, When ur aiming at bullseye, and the bullets went up and right. dont u want to keep aiming your scope at bullseye and then adjust the reticle up and then right until it is pointed at those 3 holes?
Did anyone else notice that he said that each click on the Eotech is 1/2 MOA but then says that’s 1 inch at 100 yards. That’s not true! 1 MOA is 1 inch at 100 yards. Hope he just misspoke.
Have you used and what are your thoughts on the 36 yard zero?
Short, sweet & too the point. Great video!
What eotech and rifle set up is being used.
Now I never experienced the issues with Eotech like some folks have, but when I needed the battery arm repaired it was a fixed and back in my hands in a little more than a week.
I'm digging that buttstock. What kind (model) is it?
When do you use "sniper hold" and when would you use the "c-clamp hold"?
I'm using a 8.5" barrel 300BO. Any advice for what distance I should zero it, and what distance that zero will give me?
Karl looks exactly like Norm Macdonald
That's a pretty neat intro.
So EOTech is higher $$ – any good recommend red-dot and magnifier combo that won’t cost me insane $$$?