The Tac-30 AR-15 Mag Charger is impressively quick and easy. If you shoot high volume this is a great solution.
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Got one of these free along with a M&P duty case when I got my sport 2. Works fairly well.
Has anyone seen such a device available for 7.62 x 39 AR mags? (Not AK mags, "AR")
Hold on to the magazine… not the frame of the loader. They will go in easier
Hand loading magazines is part of the shooting experience. You can talk to your friend while reloading, or mentally review your last shooting technics, but the product review was enjoyable.
AR 5.56/.223 or any rifle mag for that matter is no problem loading.. just push the round down. Now handgun mags on the other hand can be a pain at times if you are new to it.
Nice Job. Cool Product!
Interesting device. Nice review!
I use Caldwell's charger for my 9mm. Thumb saving device. Love it.
Ha ha – "trying to think of an argumentative comment" – tell it brother!
Something to try is to turn the loader 90º when you run it, with the mag against your belly and then grip it and rip it. My cheap wooden loader, from PopsCabinetShop at etsy.com doesn't work very well until I align it as I said and then I put some ass into it to make it run, and when I do I usually get fully loaded 30rd mags in a second or so. Even works with Magpuls, though I like aluminum mags better.
Great product for the party who does a lot of shooting , but what I find in most cases is that these loaders you spend more time organizing and putting in stuff to them the right way versus doing it yourself. I see this for all the speed loaders for the most part.
Like the review, but doesn't impress me enough to switch from my RRS speed loader. https://www.etsy.com/shop/RedRockSignworks?ref=s2-header-shopname