I do some shooting on an AR-15 and various other rifles with this setup and let you know what I think of it overall as well as go over the features of the set.
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Haha I love that shirt
Mine must be broken, scope shadow is bad and window for eye relief is about five milimeters. The magnifier that is.
At 12:58 the front sight just flips up for no reason
Thank you!!! Looked through 50 videos to find one that shows me what 1x and 3x magnigier through eotech looks like at 100 yards…
How would you compare this to the vortex uh-1 holo?
Do you need an additional mount for the red dot?
I have the "Holographic Hybrid Sight I™ EXPS3-4 with G33.STS Magnifier" and its very blurry unless I use the magnifier :[.
I just scored the magnifier for $48
By chance do you have a discount code that will work for 2018? Love to have one of these for my kel-tec ksg but don’t want to drop a grand for both unless I have to lol great video thanks for the info
I’m trying to decide between the 552 and this model. I don’t care about size or batteries.
I was about to make the purchase after watching your review, but I noticed this is a 2014 video. How often does eotech refresh their optics; Are we expecting a EXPS"4" anytime soon? I would hate to buy the 3 and have a better model released.
Those magpul sights that keep flipping up when you are shooting the ARAK? Does it only happen on that one rifle?
Mrgunsngear..Its 2017, you still like and support eotech?
Im thinkin about gettin one for my tavor X95?
Would you recommend this sight without the magnifier? I have heard some reports saying the sight is too pixelated without it.
Actually that reticle looked better on your video than it does to me in real life.
@1:10 Doggies!!!
great video! where can I get a 7mm or yhm riser for my 512? I'm a big guy and I hate having to scrunch down
what brand of nv do you recommend for this sight
so if not the 5xx series… would you recommend Exps or Xps? or should i just buy an Aimpoint?
I'm going to purchase an OPMOD EXPS3/G33 from Optics Planet in the next month or so. How do I know of I'm getting a good unit or a defective one ?
I know this video has been out for a bit but would you still recommend EOTECHs?
Do I have to turn it on every time I pick up the rifle or is there a automatic motion "on"?
I bought a "repro" combo for $85 shipped. I took them to cabelas and you could not tell the difference at all. It is amazing how much they over charge for these things. Folks at the range cannot tell the difference. Even the people with the same setup.
Eotech, if you don't want people ripping off your product, making their own, keep them manufactured in the US. Or at least sell them for a reasonable price.
My eotech was made in 11/15/2015 is it a faulty model?
do you run it with the riser? I got the combo set it came with the riser attached but it seems kinda high when resting my cheek
This optic is junk! Just had to send mine back in for refund last week after only 2 years as it does not even cut on. If you have this optic even if it works now you better sell it back to eotech asap they will pay full msrp for what it cost new. Eotech even had to pay 26 million in a settlement for selling defective sights to their customers. I will never buy anything eotech again. Soon as I get my check from eotech getting a trijicon.
How is this better than the Eotech HHS l (EXPS3-4 with G33 3x Magnifier)?
when you mount them, do u need to have it bore sighted in or is it ready to go?
very important.. should I get this setup for my arsenal slr107cr or the 762×39 trijicon acog??? love the channel
Being honest, do you think you'll ever buy another Eotech after the fallout? I have a xps just like this and I like it. My only problem is the fact that the red dot can't stay on for 5 years like Aimpoints. I'm thinking about getting a refund.