Home CMMG CMMG Drop In Piston Installation

CMMG Drop In Piston Installation

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  1. The CMMG MK47 looks to be very good as far as quality,,BUT, with no way to force the bolt home, and only the CRAPPY..!  AR charging handle to pull the bolt to the rear,,, sales are not going to be a serious force in the market.
    If the designers of the CMMG MK47 had employed some insight, they would have engineered a bolt charging handle on the side of the rifle, like the M14, or AK47 ,,, but, they have basically a failure now.
    The CMMG MK47 will not dominate the market, and at $1600 plus per gun,,, it's NOT a deal anyone with any serious knowledge about shooting would want to spend their money on,,,
    But there are loads of novices into shooting who will get suckered into this half ass engineered rifle, so the manufacturers will make a profit… just not what they would have made if they used some common sense and designed the bolt action with an AK style handle.
    That's my prediction…….

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