Home AR-15 Choose An Optic For Your Rifle

Choose An Optic For Your Rifle


This is a quick video that covers only the basics of choosing an optic for your rifle. This video does not cover reticle options or other features that may affect your decision. Thank you for watching. Links Below to Amazon
Trijicon Accupower
Holosun HS515C
Sig Romeo 4
Trijicon MRO
Nikon P223
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This video is for educational purposes only

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  1. Thank you for the video. Even though I've been shooting for over 40 plus years, I just haven't kept up on the gun accessories and wow things have changed in the last forty years. This video helped a lot and I even ordered from optics planet and used the code. Hopefully it helps you back. Thanks again.

  2. Thanks for the tips here, I took them to heart!

    I’m looking to spend between 200-300.00 on a sight and am wanting to use it for home defense and basically, to get my wife and kids involved into shooting. We just bought a Smith&Wesson M&P 15-22 rifle… any suggestions on a decent sight for this rifle?

    I like how you mentioned a sight that can light up your target in low light, so could you point me to one that has that feature in the price range I can afford?

    Thanks man for all your help here!

  3. I just bought the Romeo 4 for my AR, kinda regretting it. Since it doesnt magnify that gives it about the same benefit as iron sights, except instead of looking through an aluminum aperture you're looking at a red light. And it doesn't even have a shape, it's just bright red light at the center. And to make it bright enough to see it hurts your eyes looking at it too long.

  4. I'm looking for an optic for my new S&W AR10 Sport. I want versatility…CQB, some medium range shooting out to 500 yards. I also want to co-witness with iron sights. I'm considering a Burris 3x prism scope that comes with a Fastfire red dot already mounted on top. Any input appreciated. This video was very helpful and thorough. Thanks.

  5. I need help I’ve been building guns for years now but never put anything larger than a 1x on them mainly for close target shooting but I recently built a nice sks set up but can’t figure out a good scope to put on it I’m looking to take it out to about 350-400 yards accurately and don’t care what it costs I just need advice and a foothold to what good options are for later builds any comments help -thanks

  6. Thanks for the clear concise info without all the immature disgusting vulgarity nonsense common on other channels.
    "Profanity proves neither toughness nor intelligence, only a lack of self-control, morals, maturity, language skills and character." BLD

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