Home Battenfeld Caldwell Universal Pistol Mag Charger from Battenfeld Technologies

Caldwell Universal Pistol Mag Charger from Battenfeld Technologies


We were very impressed by this Universal Pistol Mag Charger. Plus this guy smoked Riley and Jacob in a race 🙂

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  1. Total piece of JUNK…I tried this in a Walther PPKS, Walther PPS, Sig P227 and Sig P320. Tried various ammos including round nose to Hornady Critical Duty. I am a retired homicide detective and do a LOT of shooting. Wished/hoped this would work. Very poor construction, failed to load the round about 90% of the time. Sending it back ASAP. Read the instructions and viewed several videos on YouTube. Nothing helped. Sorry Caldwell, this is junk.

  2. I Don't Have this Problem  My Mom Loads all my Mags before I go to the Range and even puts a Twinkie in my Range Bag .    What a Over Engineered Hunk of Shit   Buy a Maglula

  3. the guys trying to load by hand remind me of the retards in the info-mercials that cant breath without using the new contraption bullshit they are selling. this thing looks stupid as hell

  4. I own 3 Lulas and love them. I see how this could be easier for someone with limited strength or dexterity. And right now, S&W is giving one away (plus 2 magazines and Hornady CD ammo) if you buy a M&P handgun. Might have to get me that Shield I was looking at…

  5. One thing I don't like about this speed loader, it has a lot of parts! Are there replacement parts for this device.Time will tell if this speed loader will not break.

  6. This is a Gorilla loader – that's how strong you'll need to be to load with this thing. They show loading few rounds, try to load a full mag. Save your money, forget it.

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