Home AR-15 Build Your AR-15 Upper Receiver!

Build Your AR-15 Upper Receiver!


Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are:

In this video I show you exactly how I install the ejection port cover and forward assist on a stripped upper receiver for an AR-15.

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  1. 3rd thing I did was have that c clip spring off of the rod never to be seen again. Just ordered 5 more. I have the Wilson combat upper and lower so no forward assist. I never used mine in the Army back in the 90's anyway.

  2. sorta confusing the way you tried explaining how to install the forward assist… you could just put it simple and instruct your viewers to have the hook part pointing towards the bcg and which will line the flat side of the forward assist facing in… the flat side is where the roll pin would hold ithe part in place….

  3. Nice, easy and straight to the point. Exactly how all videos should be. Great job. It would.definitely be appreciated, if other videos, would do the same, and edit out the crappy graphics, music, editorials, etc….Thanks for keeping some relatively simple, but helpful……..watchable!!!

  4. Is the roll pin the same size as the one for the bolt catch? I ordered a stripped Aero upper and the forward was missing the roll pin. I have a spare for the (bolt catch) but was unsure of the correct size for the forward assist. Will it fit, or should I go get a new pin? Great video walk through all the same. Thanks!

  5. When I do the forward assist, I put it in the vise up side down and drive the pin from the bottom. That way if you have a little scratch it doesn't show. Good videos, and good instructions.

  6. so is it just the spring tension holding that pin for the first cover or does it snug into the other side? seems like it went in really easy so I'm just confused what's holding it in place.

  7. As others have said, your videos are fantastic. While deciding to do an AR build, I watched your series over and over.  When it came time to start I was almost able to do the lower from memory (just one 10 second refresher). I'm gathering the upper parts that I want and will be reviewing your series again to do the build. Thanks for taking the time and effort for this series!

  8. LOL. I love building AR's. But for some reason I hate these two steps. They can be so fiddly to do.I often do not even bother to instal a dust cover. I dont shoot in conditions where I ever need them. I also now never install a fwd assist. I use a speically made Delrin plug designed to block the hole off. I still need to use the standard roll pin. This is a huge topic for some to argue about. I dont argue. I just dont use one or have ever needed to use one, so I plug the hole off. My AR-15's  are 100% for recreation and competition. Never loaded or used for personal defense or offense.

     It is hard even for seasoned guys not to mar the upper somewhere. Thats what they make black Magic Markers for! And cerakote. Try and start at least with a very hard ANODIZED upper. I am not a huge fan of parkerized finishes. They mar if you breath on them. Blue tape from 3M is helpful, as is their electrical tape when used for protection from tool marks.
    I have THREE sets of punchs. One small set are partially hollow. They are used just to position and start a roll pin. Then I switch to my set with a little tiny ball on the end that rests inside the roll pin. By using the correct size you can get your roll pins flush with less chance of marring. I even have a set of BRASS and steel flat tip punches for solid pins. But almost every pin is a roll pin except the tiny 1/16 inch ejector retainer pin on the bolt. I even have a special flat sided (just the handle) AR15 specific punch to be used only for the bolt release roll pin. More AR builders mar the area around the bolt release because you really need the special flat handled punch to get proper clearance. I have done plenty builds with no speical tools. Now, I could not imagine doing a build with out them. Just slowly accumalte the special tools and your hobby jumps to a whole new level…. a lot more enjoyable, more precise, faster, with less nicks, and personal cuts and scrapes.

  9. While installing the forward assist roll pin you scratched the upper, you were so self conscious about the mistake you made sure to cover it up with your thumb for the rest of the vid.

  10. Just a suggestion if you turn your receiver upside down and put the roll pin in from the bottom side and happen to scratch or nick it you're less likely to see it 🙂

  11. Ok I would like to try some day on. How to build one at low cost upper build in 9mm or 22lr or 762×39 I haven't checked with ammo buy prices these s days are pricey too much in California

  12. I think maybe the c-clip would serve its purpose better if it were put on after the cover is installed. Then place the clip between the cover and tab on the receiver. This way it captures the pin.

  13. Wow ! Glad I saw this vid, got my kit and am ready to start putting it together, I would have never seen that Micro  C clip in the bag its so small. Thanks for the video

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