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Tag: MrColion Noir

Joe Biden: REGISTER your AR-15 or Sell them to the Government

JOE BIDEN REGISTER AR-15 Recently, Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden released details of his “assault weapons” ban and it calls for AR-15s to be...

Why Do I "NEED" An AR-15?

Why Do I "NEED" An AR-15? To people who don’t know much about guns, the AR-15 is like the Debo of the gun world. it's...

Sheila Jackson Lee: AR-15 Heavy as 10-boxes, and fire .50 caliber...

Sheila Jackson Lee: AR-15 Heavy as 10-boxes, and fire .50 caliber bullets Shelia Jackson Lee (D-Texas) proved conclusively that she's just too uninformed to go...

Joe Biden Says 90% of Americans Want To Ban AR-15s

Joe Biden Says 90% of Americans Want To Ban AR15s Joe where is this study? Please show me the poll that says 90% of people...

NASCAR bans AR-15 ads, due to a "Gradual Shift" in NASCAR’s...

NASCAR bans AR-15 ads Nascar has reportedly banned all advertisements featuring assault weapons due to a "gradual shift" in the company's position on guns.⁣ Let...
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