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Police Going Door To Door Shaking People Down For Home Built...

Sponsor Links: Vault Pro: DBL BLK: Springfield Armory: Follow Us! Discord: In this episode: David Hogg Blames Suburban White Women Police go door to door for spooky bois, publish how to...

HUGE!!! Does This Ruling Mean You Can Put A Stock On...

Sponsor Links: Visit TNVC: Visit Springfield: arfcom.co/SpringfieldArmory Visit Vault Pro: Follow Us! Discord: In this episode: Judge orders New York to dole out nearly half a million in legal fees to...

They Said Your Personal Collection Isn’t For Defense?!?

Sponsor Links: Visit Gunstock: arfcom.co/gunstock Visit Vault Pro: Visit Springfield: arfcom.co/SpringfieldArmory Visit TNVC: arfcom.co/TNVC Follow Us! Discord: In This Episode: Escaped illegal alien is now armed with a rifle, police say Boy suspended for finger...

Now He Wants To Ban AMMO??? New Biden Administration Plan To...

Follow Us! Visit TNVC: @RefugeMedical In this episode: Control freaks carrying guns to anti gun rallies NJ’s Bruen response law smacked down Now He Wants To Ban Ammo?!? Carry...

Wait. Did He Really Just Say This Is Legal?!?

Sponsor Links: Follow Us! Visit TNVC: www.TNVC.com In this episode: Florida lower purchase age Federal court strikes down MN law prohibiting carry permits for 19-20 year olds Tennessee settles lawsuit...
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