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Tag: Elizabeth Warren

Beto O’Rourke: 'Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15'

Presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke gives his vision for gun control at the Democratic debate. In passionate answer on gun violence, Beto O'Rourke says, "When we...

Hell no, You're Not Taking My AR-15!

Its crazy how this guy Beto O'Rourke thinks he's going to actually take my AR-15. LOL Okay BUDDY!

Elizabeth Warren Plans to Tax Americans Out of Their Second Amendment...

Gun control has been a solid political talking point for over a week now in the wake of two mass shootings, one of...

Dems open to killing filibuster in next Congress

Democratic leaders are opening the door to eliminating the 60-vote legislative filibuster if they recapture the Senate majority in the 2020 elections. The future...

2020 Democrats have thin legislative resumes

Among 2020 Democrats who have worked in Congress, few have worked solo on meaningful legislation.The Hill’s analysis of past legislative activity shows the...

New Poll Shows Elizabeth Warren Running a Distant Third…In Massachusetts

Let's start with the requisite caveats that Democratic presidential primary is a marathon, not a sprint -- and that the field is still...
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