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NRA-ILA | NRA Endorses Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick

Fairfax, Va. - The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today endorsed Dan Patrick...

NRA-ILA | Bloomberg Whips Out Checkbook for Another Virginia Election Cycle

We recently wondered about our favorite anti-gun billionaire, Mike Bloomberg, and whether he would remain...

ATI Omni Budget AR-15 Pistol Brief Table Top Review.

In this episode, we briefly go over a budget AR15 Pistol for home defense. Chambered for .223 and 5.56 Join us on our March To...

NRA Statement on 2019 Election Results

The National Rifle Association released the following statement on the 2019 election results: "As if Gov. Northam’s legacy of ineptitude wasn’t enough, Virginians are...

Bloomberg’s Gun Control Apparatus Lies to Virginia’s Firearm Owners in Election...

Here’s a hint for Virginia gun owners and sportsmen: When you get a firearm-related election mailing with a New York City return address...

Poll On Beto's Mandatory AR-15 Buyback

Support The Show On Patreon: Here's Our Amazon Link: Follow Kyle on Twitter: Like the show on Facebook: Clip from The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on...

NRA-ILA | NRA Endorses Tate Reeves for Governor of Mississippi

Fairfax, Va. - The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today announced its endorsement of...

ILA | NRA Endorses Mike Dunleavy for Governor of Alaska

Fairfax, Va. - On behalf of our nearly six million members across the country, the...

ILA | NRA Downgrades Sen. Tester’s Rating to a D

Fairfax, Va. - The National Rifle Association today downgraded Sen. Jon Tester’s rating to “D” after...

ILA | NRA Endorses Wicker for U.S. Senate in Mississippi

Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today endorsed Sen. Roger...
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