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Tag: Controllers

NRA-ILA | Far More Gun Owners than Gun Controllers Pretend

Part of the gun control advocates’ narrative includes the claim that the number of gun...

NRA-ILA | No. Obama and Other Gun Controllers Don’t Want to...

Always one for lame platitudes, last week Barack Obama suggested that gun control has become...

NRA-ILA | Wishful Gun Controllers Deny Reality on Polls and Ballot...

Gun controllers and their collaborators in the regime press are wishcasting again. According to anti-gun...

NRA-ILA | New Low(y): Gun Controllers Register as Foreign Agents to...

Beginning last year, NRA-ILA has been keeping readers up to date with an ongoing effort...

NRA-ILA | Gun Controllers: Ban Firearms for “Radicals” (and Designate Political...

On Aug. 24, New York’s Democrat governor Kathy Hochul gave a speech about how the...

Gun Controllers Collaborate with Unscrupulous Foreign Regime to Undermine U.S. Constitution

Anyone tempted to think the gun control lobby couldn’t sink any further into disreputable tactics should sit down before reading any further. Source link...

Gun Controllers Seek to Ban Accurate Firearms, Inaccurate Firearms, and Everything...

The Biden Administration was in the “final stages” of drafting a regulation to curb the use of pistol stabilizing braces.  Source link
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