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Tag: Continues

Federal Government Continues to Prove it Can’t be Trusted with Gun...

The federal government has rarely made a habit of covering itself in glory, but in recent weeks it seems determined to engender mistrust among the American public....

NRA-ILA Continues to Defend Use of Traditional Ammo

In April, a federal judge sided with NRA-ILA and Safari Club International and held that hunters’ use of traditional ammo does not violate federal environmental...

Gun Sales Surge Continues with Diverse Interest in Firearms

According to the FBI NICS data, 1.3 million background checks were conducted pursuant to firearms sales last month. Source link

Assault on Firearms Industry Continues

Joe Biden mentioned a number of the anti-gun goals... Source link

2020… The Demand Continues – Lead Times

2020 Continues to have many of our products in high demand. Lead times can vary depending on the product you choose. We've made a...

NRA Continues Lawsuit Against California Attacking Gun Stores and Shooting Ranges

Yesterday, the NRA and several other parties filed their opening brief in an appeal challenging Los Angeles County’s COVID-19 restriction on gun stores...

Indiana: Right-To-Carry Bill Continues to Advance

Today, the House held a second reading for House Bill 1369, to improve the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their...
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