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Tag: Adults

NRA-ILA | Texas: NRA Opposes Bills Denying Second Amendment Rights to...

Contact Your State Representatives & Urge Them to Oppose "Raise The Age" Bills (HB 129, HB...

NRA-ILA | NRA Asks Entire Eleventh Circuit to Hear Case Challenging...

For years, the NRA has been litigating a Florida law that bans young adults aged...

NRA-ILA | Arizona: House to Reconsider Self-Defense for Young Adults

Yesterday, House Bill 2489, to ensure that young adults are not deprived of their right...

Federal Judge Begrudgingly Upholds Florida Ban on Transferring Firearms to Young...

Yesterday, a federal district court judge in the United States District Court Northern District of Florida upheld a Florida law that prevents law-abiding...
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