Home Nikon Zooming in on the Sun with Sunspots! Nikon P1000 – this camera...

Zooming in on the Sun with Sunspots! Nikon P1000 – this camera is almost like a Telescope!


Zooming in on the Sun with Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera with self-made solar filter (Baader foil ND5). Sun with a lot of sunspots. In this video you can also see a comparison of the size of sunspots to the size of the planet Earth.
Mega zoom test. No telescope, only camera with incredible optical zoom 125x + 4x digital zoom.

Poland, September 8, 2021, 6:02 p.m.


Music (free YouTube Audio Library):
Title: Away
Performer: Patrick Patrikios

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  1. The best time to see sunspots is just at sunrise. In the mid 80's. I have seen them with the naked eye, just at sunrise, out in the country. There were three and they were quite large. I will never forget the experience since they were so dark and noticable.

  2. 93 million miles away and you zoomed in on it so fast as if it was only 72 million miles away. Do when the sets use your zoom and find it again. You can do this multiple times until your camera runs out of zoom power. I have picture of clouds surrounding the sun and moon.

  3. Like never look directly at the sun or you will go blind. I put that lie to bed when I was 7 years old. Did you say that dot was the size of the earth?!!.!.I'm sorry. That was kinda funny. How far is the Sun from the earth? Why can't we see anything exploding like they say it is? If things were exploding then why are those spots out? Shouldn't things be happening on that sun? It doesn't look anything more than a reflection of a heat plate of some sort.

  4. Praktycznie jak przez teleskop 🙂 Czy masz moze jakiś filmik jak ustawic najlepiej tego P1000 aby łapał jak najwięcej szczegółów na nagraniu? A jeśli nie, to czy możesz powiedzieć w jakim trybie i nastawieniach nagrywasz aby była najlepsza rozdzielczość? Pozdrawiam

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