Home StreamLight Streamlight TLR-6 HL: ASTONISHING OUTPUT!!!



Just kidding, it’s 300 lumens. Pretty nice upgrade though right? If you’re still clinging desperately to your last generation micro compact carry gun but you want to stick it to Ken Hackathorn, look no further than the Streamlight TLR-6 HL.

Amazon affiliate link to get a TLR-6 HL and support the show at the same time:

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  1. This was absolutely beautiful. The emotional climax when the pistol hit the ground is unparalleled. Also you justified an impulse buy, which is the most important thing an internet personality could ever do.

  2. I remember every time some fudd came in wanting a laser on his carry G43/42 we would point them in the direction of this. It was a good unit, affordable, reasonably effective, durable but kind of a pain to setup. Having to unthread three long small allen bolts, then thread them back in, the get a rough zero on the laser took a while. It was always when we were busy too.

  3. This whole video was bout 10 times more positive than I thought was possible for the TLR6. I used to have one on my old 43X but replaced it with a TLR7Sub when I got a railed 43x/48 frame

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