Home AR-15 S&W FPC Rebuild Part #2

S&W FPC Rebuild Part #2


This is part two of the rebuild of the FPC.

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  1. Love your videos. I don't own a FPC yet but I would love to see a tear down on the RESPONSE. I'm having a problem with replacing the pivot pins on the response, especially the rear one. FYI the front one is longer than the AR.

  2. It's guys like you that make it possible for guys like me to learn and maintain my Fpc. Many thanks , you are really a good instructor. You are appreciated more than you know. I guarantee there are more watching than commenting. Hopefully they are sharing your content.

  3. My folding latch keeps over rotating the wrong direction and impedes the unfolding process (when trying to do in a hurry at least. I can always take the second to manipulate it with my fingers and it works fine). Do you think this is being caused by the spring on top of the latch needing a tension adjustment, or is there something else causing it?

  4. Again, nice video.
    I hope I don't have take it down that far but if I do I'll use this vid.
    PS… quality was very low but you did show closeups and that helped. Thanks

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