Home Nikon Best Premium Rifle Scopes

Best Premium Rifle Scopes


Best Rifle scopes over $750 . Best Hunting and Tactical rifle scopes under $1500 that I have personally owned and tested listed here . This is part 3 of my best rifle scope videos . Also check out best Bargain Rifle Scopes . And best mid range rifle scopes . Below are links to some of my videos I think will help make your scope choices better . Enjoy the videos guys .

Best of the best rifle scopes . Best Rifle Scope , Hunting Scope , Precision Scopes , and Long Range Scopes
Best mid range rifle scopes. Best Mid-Priced Rifle Scope
Best Budget rifle scope . Best Budget Rifle Scope
Rifle Scope of the year . Rifle Scope of the Year

Guys here are some links that will help my channel if you choose

ARKEN OPTICS link . Use my code CYCLOPS at checkout to be automatically entered in a monthly give away . It is also an affiliate link which helps support my channel .

BLACKHOUND OPTICS link , shop and use my CYCLOPS code at checkout will guarantee free shipping and save you 5% . I have recently become an affiliate for Blackhound so using my code also helps support my channel .

Here is a link to my paypal account so you can help support my channel directly if you choose . You guys cannot know how much your help goes towards keeping honest reviews coming .

Every video you see here is sponsor free . I accept no money or other compensation upfront for any review or video . Many times the item reviewed is donated to my channel , that’s how I can have so many giveaways to my viewership. Enjoy my channel , and share with your friends .

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  1. Haven't had a chance to test if it holds zero, but mounts just fine and has nice clear glass. Centered vertically true to a plumb line with the crosshairs which is always a plus!It's a great https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxc4K63Fd5LglDMObu7-Bgapxp_ef0W8hE scope. There's no parallax adjustment or focus ring, so may be limited to 3-7x, have to see how it is on the range. Also be aware that the rings are "look through" so you can still use irons, but they are really tall if you only intend to use the optics. On a 22LR no biggie since I'm not shooting competitions or worried about a hard cheek press. Will boresight and range test, if all goes well, I'll leave it at that!

  2. I understand and appreciate your apprehension about sampling/ testing and evaluating the Extreme/ Elite price level scopes… They're all so good, but they cost the price of some people's cars, and that's a hard pill to swallow for many.
    Kahles, Schmidt & Bender, Vortex Razor Gen 3's, Zero Compromise, Tangent Theta, Steiner, Zeiss LRP, Leupold Mark Series, Apex Optics etc. Some of these are literally Grail Scopes to many.

  3. Need a new scope for my 308. Considering the primary arms and the tract. I keep hearing about the glass on the tract but the glx is about 500$ cheaper with the same features. Any recommendation?

  4. Joe,
    You are the funniest shooter on the planet. Honest and down to earth. At some point could you review what we brits call a peep hole sight (thought that may get your tackle tingling), I think you may call them ghost ring sights.


  5. So I’m new to this page and thought I knew a lot about optics. Boy was I wrong. I’ve had a couple Vortex razors, Vipers, Nightforce and Leupold including my Mark 5 HD. I just bought the Leica amplus 6. Put it next to my razor and mark 5 hd. That Leica is in a whole different ball park. Glass is unbelievable. I thought the others were great until I put it next to the Leica. Also, it’s about 800 cheaper than the razor and mark 5. Wouldn’t have even looked if I hadn’t watched this video.

  6. Which would be you use out of all these including all models you've tried since for an Ultralight non magnum hunting rifle build with 600 yard max shooting range and wanting a good low power with a wide field of view for fast accusation 50 yard shots?

  7. I'm looking for a scope in this price range. Clarity a low light are my biggest concerns. It will be put on a new mark 5 pro 6.5 rpm. Leica 6 has a new offering at 1400 with illuminated center dot. Anyone have any suggestions for a better scope at that price. Trying to keep the total package below 4k. Thanks

  8. My head is twisting and the money is ready to fly away😂. I have been looking on Delta Opticals Javelin but … also US Optics wich you have here. I dont think I have the need of 30 times magnification. Hunting mostly but also the range and I need to see the reticle in low magnification

    Guess my head will keep spinning

  9. Thanks for your reviews and videos. Great stuff and much appreciated.. I'm glad you included the Nightforce SHV. Even though they may not have as crystal clear glass as some of these newer scopes. They also don't have as much adjustment as my NXS's, but they track incredibly well. For the money, I have not been disappointed. I'm thinking about buying a Zeiss V4 6-24×50 and doing a little comparing myself.

  10. Just when I have my mind made up I stumble across another one of your videos and then the wheels start turning again. I think I'll stick to my original pick, the Riton 7 Conquer 3-18×50 and for this reason only. I currently have a Riton 3 Conquer 3-15×44 and every time one of my buddies who has a $1200+ scope looks through mine they all say the same thing, "no way this is a $600 scope". Keep the videos coming, I enjoy your no bullshit approach.

  11. I have the Leupold VX3i 4.5-14 LRP with CCH reticle. I've won three Rimfire matches with it. We shoot a 50-225yd match with targets every 25 yards between those distances. Targets are 1"to 4" diamonds. This scope repeats like a SWFA with a great ranging reticle, and better glass. Being able to read the mirage has been so easy, I'm not changing a thing. It's mounted to a custom CZ 452Varmint. Cheers Cyclops!

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