Home AR-15 Wow, Joy Behar On The View Says AR-15s Demolish The Animal So...

Wow, Joy Behar On The View Says AR-15s Demolish The Animal So You Can’t Eat It


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The level of blatant Ar-15 misinformation that’s being disseminated on certain platforms is both criminal and downright dangerous. It’s no longer just misinformation; it’s evolved into what can only be described as a cacophony of sheer stupidity.

We’ll be taking a closer look at the outrageous AR-15 claims by Joy Behar on The View, like the notion that you can’t eat a deer taken down by an AR-15 because the firearm supposedly demolishes the animal. It’s the kind of absurdity that makes you question the state of rational thinking in today’s world.

But here’s the kicker – remember that time when someone claimed that cow farts were responsible for global warming? Yes, you heard that right! You won’t be surprised when you find out who said it.

The absurdity knows no bounds, and it’s time to call out this insanity for what it is.

Join me in this no-holds-barred discussion, as we unpack these ludicrous claims and try to make some sense of the chaos. It’s time to put a stop to this madness and get back to a world where facts and reason prevail. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell to stay updated on the latest episodes.

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  1. Colion, you are contradicting yourself. You say that the AR-15 is a great weapon for defense, but then you say it's NOT lethal enough for deer hunting? Are you honestly saying that the AR-15's 5.56 IS NOT LETHAL??? What are you talking about?? This is all about BULLET VELOCITY and you know it! The AR-15's 5.56 is EXTREMELY LETHAL based on its velocity. Most states recommend a bigger bullet for deer hunting BECAUSE THE LAWS WERE WRITTEN BEFORE AR-15's were sold to citizens. The laws were written before bullet VELOCITY became an issue. You are citing an old law that was written for rifles and smaller jackets. The AR-15's 5.56 will indeed penetrate a deer's body more than a standard rifle round of the same size. Come on man, you understand the logic and chose to ignore it. Fact: AR-15's do incredible damage because of velocity. Yes, Joy is wrong to say it will "obliterate" the deer, but your argument is also wrong. Else I liked your last video on the sig.

  2. I still can't get over the recent court decision that because we were able to ban machine guns were able to ban assault weapons and that they feel the AR-15 has no civilian use whatsoever and only military use I couldn't believe it!

  3. the ignorance is amazing.. plus the 2cd isnt about hunting really. its about defending oneself from those who want to take your property or your life.. OR to resist a corrupt government..

  4. So, my .300 Win Mag, that I've been hunting with for decades, is actually vaporizing the deer… and what I've been eating all this time is the THOUGHT of the deer? Wow, thanks Joy. The more you know, I guess.

  5. I'm not going to lie I've heard that before from old white men …I don't trust hunting I've never been so I don't know….I do know black men that hunt though 🤣 they use bigger rounds like 270

  6. Stoner developed the AR-10 in .308 as a hunting rifle, and then he scaled it down to the AR-15 in.222 as a varmint rifle – for killing coyotes and prairie dogs.

    Later, the hunting rifle was rechambered for .223 in order to pack in a slight bit of additional powder to improve the terminal ballistics.

    Later, the Air Force approached Armalite and then Colt to experiment with the AR-15 as a weapon for the airbase defense troops.

    Som the AR-15 was a hunting rifle before it morphed into a military rifle as the M-16.

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