Home AR-15 Shooter’s AR-15 jammed during Turnberry Towers shooting in Las Vegas, police say

Shooter’s AR-15 jammed during Turnberry Towers shooting in Las Vegas, police say


A man who opened fire at a condominium complex near the Las Vegas Strip was shot by a security officer after the gunman’s rifle jammed, according to court documents obtained by the 8 News Now Investigators.

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  1. Crime is like cancer. If left untreated, it will SPREAD and kill. Catch and release policies are not working out for public safety. Remember, you are your own first responder. The cop will get there, but usually after the situation is over. It is YOUR life, not the government life.

  2. Thank God we have some one who practices the second amendment.
    And won't comply with company rules

    Thank God there was a malfunction on that crazy
    Guys rifle.

    Who knows what telling if either dident happen?!

  3. I am glad the employee had a gun on his waste!!!! For all the gun haters out there. He ended the shooting and did not waste any time by calling 911. Which would have takin another 5+ minutes for the cops to arrive. And more people would have died. Maybe even a Democrat could have died today. So i hope you have enough brains to thank the guy who shot back and saved your life! I always like to explain this as easy as possible for the slow-minded Liberal-Democrats out there. You are welcome to read my comment over a couple more times if you are even slower to comprehend what i wrote. LOL

  4. My apologies if this seems blunt but this news casting comes off as AR fear mongering. When are news agencies going to get the hint that its the person not the weapon. Take the guns then these people will just use something else. I miss the days of common sense. Bravo to gentleman that stepped up for others.

  5. Gun debate focuses on whether people should have guns or not when the question should be how can we make sure the people with guns are the right people?

  6. Anti guns and liberal, but he saved lives for sure and only because he disobeyed clear instructions to not bring a weapon at work place. A life is much more important than following work instructions. Who decides to fire an AK 47 at the entrance where they lay your head regardless of reason and there was NO reason. Dude deserves life no parole.

  7. Promote the Employee…he courageously disobeyed leadership for all the right reasons and risked his job and brought the gun anyway… that employee sent a message to all and the message is " Dont ever let your guard down… this is Vegas"!!

  8. Another case of a good guy with a gun protecting himself and those around him by stopping a bad guy with a gun. There's no telling just how many lives the employee saved. Thanks to him, people are home with their families instead of at the funeral home.

  9. This notion that people can’t have guns is ridiculous. Ex convict or not work is supposed to be a safe place to work but if you deal with crazies that pop up you can’t defend yourself if you don’t have protection. Imagine if this person didn’t have a gun to not only defend himself but other vulnerable people? The 2, amendment says everyone that wants a gun should have one.

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