Home StreamLight Streamlight PolyTac Review | Best Duty Light On A Budget?

Streamlight PolyTac Review | Best Duty Light On A Budget?


Check out my Streamlight PolyTac Review, and find out if the Streamlight PolyTac is the right duty or weapon light for you or not!

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  1. What does "duty" mean? Does duty mean throwing it against a brick wall 47 times and them running over it with an M1 Abrams? What job requires that duty? I've just heard the term "duty" thrown around a lot concerning "tactical" or gun gear.

  2. The yellow one is handy when you don't want a dark colored flashlight to be mistaken for a gun. Yes, "I saw a dark, cylindrical object protruding from his hand, which he used to point in my direction. Based on my training and experience, many guns have a barrel that is dark and cylindrical. " could easily be in a police officer's paperwork explaining why he shot you.

  3. A review without beamshots?! Even so the PolyTac X might be more appealing because it takes 18650ies I couldnt recommend it because it has a terrible tail switch. The click point is so deep that you have to dig your finger tip in it. The PolyTac seems not to have that problem.

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