Home AR-15 Clint Watts explains how the first police on scene of a shooter...

Clint Watts explains how the first police on scene of a shooter with an AR-15 are ill-equipped.


Former FBI special agent Clint Watts points out that first law enforcement officers that show up to mass shootings don’t have the proper body armor and caliber weapon to face against shooters using AR-15s. #LouisvilleKentucky»

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#Shorts #ClintWatts #LouisvilleKentucky #Louisville

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  1. Exactly. Truth is truth. Facts are facts. Military grade weapons give law enforcement 3 minutes …
    In 3 minutes the damage is DONE!
    X military grade weapons in USA=
    Kid killers. You support military grade weapons in the USA
    You are a Kid killer!

  2. I’ve always thought that ppl should be made to go through training on lawful use of a weapon in public, lawful use of a weapon at home. Also, if they are going to carry they should go through training of some sort of when and how to offer assistance to police…that way you can get out the crazies. I would love to conceal and carry but I also have my training as a bodyguard during my time in the navy.

  3. Why choose this job if not willing to take the risk? Go on strike if you would get the dangerous guns out of the streets. Police is so we'll organized in unions,.should not be a problem.
    On the other hand, kids in school, shoppers in a supermarket have no body armor neither.

  4. We do SOME republiQans are blocking progress for MONEY.
    Key words SOME and MONEY

    Do many people afraid and suffering for those 1gnorant little biAtches enrich themselves.
    Murica "fReEdOm"

  5. What a liar! If any kind of public shooting is called in, they are going to arrive, loaded for bear and fully armored….and this fuckstick knows that! And an AR 15 bullet, is the same diameter as a 22 rimfire, and probably between 50 and 60 grains in weight. A 22 rimfire is 40-45 grains. Any bullet fired by any pistol or rifle, fired by any law enforcement, the bullet weight will be two to six times heavier!

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