Home AR-15 What is an "AR-15 Style" Rifle?…It's Either an AR-15 or It Isn't!?!...

What is an "AR-15 Style" Rifle?…It's Either an AR-15 or It Isn't!?! (Media Demonizing long Guns?)


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Original score: Madison Stegall
Super Artwork: Daniel Greenfield

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  1. … A broken clock is right two times a day… doesn't mean its still not broke.. The media being "correct" still doesn't mean they aren't trying to disparage ARs a point of contention.

  2. Spot on, Yankee! The patent expired on the design, but Colt's still owns the trademark. I also agree that Modern Sporting Rifle is kind of clunky and only partially descriptive. I would prefer something like, "Stoner design rifle," but this would be very confusing to the general population as the word "stoner" has a different meaning to most folks. What I have a big problem with is when someone, especially the press says, "assault-style rifle." My issue with the term has nothing to do with "gunsplaining." The term is an affront to the English language. The term assault rifle is a verb + noun compound noun. Saying assault-style rifle makes about as much sense as saying swimming-style pool or washing-style machine. It's gibberish! And a professional, educated journalist should know better.

  3. Hey Yank, I believe that the term "Modern Sporting Rifle" was coined to counter the fake narrative of the media referring to ARs as a 'weapon of war' or 'battle rifle' etc. It is the premier modern sporting rifle of our age.

  4. not sure if it is the same incident but I saw a story about a shooting where an AK 47 style rifle was used, and they report it as an AR 15 style rifle. that made me wonder if any and all semi auto rifles now fall into the AR 15 style category of rifle.

  5. Every mass shooter are in fact far left Democrats and not Republicans. If anything, we should ban all far left Liberals from owning any firearms period! This would stop 99.9999% of all mass shootings!

  6. The AR-15 is copied a lot, because it is a much better rifle design than anything else. And most gun manufacturers who makes them, they stick to them because it works and it sells. Just like chocolate chip recipe and or pizza. It would usually take a lot of effort to make an AR-15 worse.

  7. "AR 15 style" doesn't mean any semiautomatic rifle… In WWII, a trained soldier with an M1 could be expected to get off 24 rounds/minute. In the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, Stephen Paddock was able to maintain a sustained rate of fire of over 100 rounds/minute- 1,100 some rounds in ten minutes flat, killing 60 people and wounding 413. He could have killed a lot more, but wasted many shots firing at a fuel truck carrying jet fuel, which doesn't go off from mere rifle fire. WWII would have ended in a year with that kind of firepower.

  8. The shooter in the Chicago suburb on July 4th was an "AR15 style rifle." The freak concealed the weapon. Turned out to be a KelTek Sub2000. Then that disappeared in the articles. Then they mentioned an AR, a bolt gun and other crap. Me thinks your fans are on to something.

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