Home AR-15 How U.S. I-Day parade turned into 'warzone'; Shooter Crimo unleashed AR-15 in...

How U.S. I-Day parade turned into 'warzone'; Shooter Crimo unleashed AR-15 in Chicago Suburb


It was the morning of the U.S. Independence Day Parade celebration for a Chicago suburb when suddenly dozens of bullets were fired, followed by chaos in the streets amid screams. It was at this moment, when 22-year-old Robert Crimo opened fire at the crowd from a rooftop with his AR-15. He was arrested later after hours of manhunt. 6 people died and at least 80 others were injured in the mass shooting, including kids. One of the clips, which is particularly disturbing, captures the moment when the attacker opened fire from a rooftop. People ran in all directions, seeking shelter, and teens – on bicycles – could not understand what was happening. Watch this video for more details.

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  1. Mental health of the youth of the USA is a matter of concern. This is what happens when parents abandon children after they reach their teenage and leave them free to become independent . I don't understand how the relationship within family members work there…

  2. Innocent ppl killed and this country US has the audacity of lecturing other countries.. Pls first clean up ur crap first before taking Moral high ground and lecturing others …at this pace we can except the split of America

  3. Too many half educated people doing copy paste here saying 'Human Rights' etc etc when this is an issue because of no strict gun laws in the US where almost any adult can carry a gun. On the other hand Human rights are the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more irrespective of any race or religion.

  4. क्या पागलपन है???? US की इज्जत का कचरा हो रहा है। इस महीने में ये 4 थी घटना है। फिर भी us को दूसरो के घरों में झांकना है।

  5. This is so terribly sad! Prayers for the families of the victims. Let them find the strength to remember their loved ones with pride. 🙏🏻💙💙💙

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