Home AR-15 ‘What the hell do you need an AR-15 for?’ Spurs coach Popovich,...

‘What the hell do you need an AR-15 for?’ Spurs coach Popovich, Castro brothers speak at ‘Stand …

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  1. A surprise. Gun control today in Senate legislative. ( That means write it down on paper) as law to be the change. Then approve that gun control law and send it to Congress.

  2. Go away Popovich. Your career ended the moment you drove Kawhi Leonard away with your ignorance and arrogance. Your time is up, exit stage left you old woke bully

  3. You're complain about guns now but I bet you're going to be shiting bricks when the Russians and Chinese invade and you're there defenseless this is one of the main reasons why we don't get invaded because almost every American on the firearm

  4. Thanks but we'll be keeping the guns.

    Over 2 million migrants have not been vetted before entering our southern border and we know many of those have been set free from jails to come here and are of military age.

    ANTIFA and BLM still have not been held accountable for a Summer of Burning, Looting, and Murder before the last election and since have been involved in too many to count violent actions. It can be argued easily that these people have been used as a military arm of the Democrat party to apply pressure for their causes.

    The Gorge Soros District Attorneys continue to release violent criminals back onto the streets in record numbers and record speed. San Antonio has one of those.

    Gang Bangers in major and even minor cities continue wreck havoc in their cities and little is down to stop their madness.

    There is also strong indication that Buffalo and Uvalde both were covert affairs involving not just groomed shooters but possibly provided inside assistance in carrying out their crimes in some strange hope that gun control legislation can be achieved.

    All of these instances are the result of govt failing the people and the trust is long since gone. Yet here we are with this talk about disarming law abiding citizens while our government is also becoming more and more authoritarian and tyrannical in all aspects of government.

    So anyway, we're keeping the guns and will be looking for more ammo.

  5. Thanks you for standing up against gun violence and caring about those people families kids mothers grandparents fathers teachers blacks all races that is going through this the country city community are hurting

  6. I think you people are so stupid it's not the guns that kill is the people they use the guns the wrong way Because there's other things that people can use to kill people Man I'm glad that I don't go to those kind of protest I bet you some of those people that go like that coach from the spurs I bet you his teams have one of those kind of guns in their collection

  7. No violence is not ariemica only problem,the states and city's with the most gun laws are the most violent,and 18 year Olds do have a right to guns for defense and hunting.

    Criminals well just get guns illegally.

    The problem is we are not raising our kids right.

    Your looking to the government to fix our problems,however all they have ever done is make things worse.

  8. Rumor has it that Seth Rich wants an AR-15. Also it's for tyrants, not hunting. And the Biden junta are all tyrants, so that's specifically why we need AR-15s. You can take out a whole truck of government goons with an AR-15, so it's perfect. Personally I want them to be mandatory. Maybe some sort of tax break if you own, get trained with and maintain an AR-15 in your residence?

  9. Maybe it would be better if he spoke up on enter city violence… but he rather blame an object. Same thing with the Castro brothers. Stop using a tragedy for spotlight time… and directly address those who are committing the crimes. The Castros have been in a position to address their own areas and have done nothing to stop crime. It’s easier to blame the gun. Meanwhile, all these men chastise police. So… take away are ability to stop a group of criminals, allow the boarders to go unchecked and defund the police… yeah… easy to say for dudes with armed guards.

  10. Let's get rid of all firearms! Start with the police, FBI, CIA, SS and all body guards to the government employees and Hollywood elites. Equal rights means no one has the right to protect themselves. It's only fair. And afterwards we can all live in harmony. Oh, we may have to ban assault knives too.

  11. As for background checks, they are required already. Why do we need an AR 15? Why do we need smart phones? Why do we need internet? All are used for violence. The rights we have as Americans may cause pain but we have them for a reason. We need the 2nd ammendment to ensure the rest of our rights are safe from a corrupt government.

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