Home AR-15 Controversy for Georgia gunmaker after rifle is used in Texas shooting

Controversy for Georgia gunmaker after rifle is used in Texas shooting


Daniel Defense is based out of Black Creek, Georgia – outside Savannah – and makes a range of guns and gun accessories, including AR-15 semi-automatic rifles.

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  1. I’ve been around and have had guns for well over 60 years, including time in the military. NEVER in my wildest imagination has the thought ever come to me to shoot down innocent children or adults. It is not the gun it is mental instability. BTW, the greatest school massacre, in the US, was a bombing close to 75 years ago.

  2. Okay…so if a driver that say runs a red light & someone is killed, which is at fault. The vehicle manufacturer or the driver? This has be asked before I know.

  3. I'd be more upset at the uvalde police for sitting on their haunches an hour and half while the shooter roamed the school….those cowards all need to face charges

  4. Wolf: eats sheep
    Other sheep observing: teeth were seen killing sheep.
    Also sheep: we need to remove our teeth for safety.
    Wolf: continues to eat sheep.
    … The logic of gun control

  5. Why the fuck arent we looking at addressing mental health?

    If a gun manufacturer is going to be blamed for this then all fast food restaurants need to be closed for their part in an overweight society.

  6. Just little clue for you scumbag Republicans. If you want to keep those f**** jobs you had better not cater to f**** Democrats. It's not law-abiding gun owners that have any f**** thing to do with this s*** in your not taking our f**** guns over what a criminal did

  7. Lets treat it like this we all know people are bad so let me give this example bad people used to rob jewely stores but then they made it way way harder to steal their stuff so then they started robbing glasses story because of how easy it was same for schools people only shoot up schools because of the amount of people in there and no way to stop or defend themselves all schools should at lest have 2 armed guards with rifles incase they have a bullet proof vest it will at lest stop people being able to just go and kill 15 people before the cops arrive

  8. It's not the usual criminal or thugs that buying the guns. It's as they say the law abiding citizens.All that back ground checking help some but it doesn't tell what a person is going through or thinking once they buy a gun. How many mass shooters had a record? Guns aren't the problem it's people with issues. If it wasn't gun it would be car ,bomb or something else. Blaming a gun company isn't going to stop people who want to hurt others.

  9. So TF what? The political class needs to vilify someone. DD has absolutely nothing to apologize for nor should they. The left gets the apology then slits throats anyway. Fk em

  10. Average of 30 people die due to drunk drivers. How can this be related?? Should I feel bad for having a drink. Knife manufacturers. Number of homicides blows guns out of the water. This is truly absurd.

  11. Why are they jumping on the gun maker? Its the piece of shit that did the shooting. Why didnt law enforcement do something before the shooting. Its said they had warning. Why arent there armed law enforcement in the damn schools like the govt said they were going to do? Why were the doors unlocked so the shooter could walk in? These are the things needing to be addressed.

  12. So the guy that rammed – injured 70+ PEOPLE! and killed several others ..the manufacturer of that vehicle can be sued by any one there and those families who suffered while Demorats DID NOTHING!!!

  13. I’d like to give a shout out to those of you who think we need more gun laws! I have been contemplating for weeks now on if buying an assault rifle is the right choice for me. I have found it disturbing that the blame to these tragedies is so difficult for people to place. It is for these reasons that I thank those narrow minded puppets who think lack of laws are to blame for those innocent deaths, for helping me move forward to not only purchasing one AR-15, but also two more to gift to friends. While it is unfortunate that these life changing events happen, the amount of sane people that own and shoot them far out number the unstable ones that use them in a manner other than directed. ARs and AKs are no different than ones cell phone. A simple past time to a majority while still being deadly to some. God bless

  14. Cops are the best paid liars in America, every officer that stood down should be charged with accessory to murder and dereliction of duty, if things like this doesn't prove law enforcement is useless I don't know what more you need.

  15. Well the guy that sold the gun didnt do diligence on checking this kid out. What is the age limit in georgia for buying guns. Really the seller is the one that needs to be checked out. The gun maker isnt resposible cause he only makes the weapons. Only people like the libs dont think about the way that they can create a moment to rectify their idiotic attitudes which is do as i do not the way ya'll do. Sorry for the families and his grandmother so the seller didnt check this kid out hes to blame for his failure to verify before selling the gun. The young man had some mental problems and no parents really to teach him right from wrong and raise the child. Shame on the not present parents.

  16. Typical false flag… instigated by the FBI.
    The shooter was groomed by FBI glowies to gin up his feelings.
    Where does an unemployed cross dressing 18 year old get $4000.00 worth of rifles and expensive handguns from.??? The FBI?? ATF???
    CIA??? God only knows this thing stinks to high heaven

  17. Why don't you guys blame the cars for drunk drivers the cars run over people the drivers don't so you guys are saying that guns kill people but the criminals don't everybody's so f*** up in the head

  18. It's not everyone else fault guns don't shoot them shelves we have enough laws they just need to be enforced with some actual teeth if there's no detorrent and no enforcement of the laws already on the books until then don't make it harder and harder for law abiding people to protect themselves if everyone hasn't notice it's not very safe in most parts of the United States and response times are getting to be really bad so what until then just die and take it nope

  19. Oh, they’re going after manufacturers now?!
    Give me a fb break.

    The UK is having an all around epidemic in deaths from knifings. Wonder what they are going to do about that.

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