Home Nikon Panasonic HC-X1000 Review Clarification

Panasonic HC-X1000 Review Clarification


Whoops! The Panasonic HC-X1000 we shot the last episode on was a very early pre-production unit. Jordan makes a quick statement regarding the mistake.

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  1. So, where is the final review? Deep review? The camero is on the market. Looks to me Panasonic did a half job before they released the hc x1000. Half on: sensor size and sensitivity, af speed, noise, stabilization, color reproduction. good job on: 200 mbit intra 10 bit! usb 3.0 implementation, remote controlling. So nobody listen to the cameramans in Panasonic? Some features are pro, but how they put together is under consumer quality. Why Panasonic not make a better planing, better market research, better programming, better marketing? Why they are not use the GH4 sensor indise the camcorder? Why they are not buy a Sony ax1 and do a better product? Just a half year later… I hope X1000 Mark II will come soon. This product is a simple half job.

  2. The good out of all of this? cameratvstore just gave most if not all of the consumer opinions and requests which panasonic can seriously take into account for the x1000. The people at pana can then accelerate the beta testing and troubleshooting, to produce a even more refined final version that it would have probably if not for this 'slip up'. 

  3. I don't think this camera will become that much better really.

    It seems to use a 8mp crop of a 18mp 1/2.33" sensor.
    That is simply not enough real estate for high quality imaging.

    The lx100 uses the gh4 sensor/processor. The m43 sensor uses a area 8-10 times larger.
    Which means easier to obtain sharp results from the lens. And much better noise performance.

  4. Panasonic should sent you a decent pre-production unit. If it was a faulty one (as it can clearly be seen during the review), is Panasonic's fault. You trusted Pana and used the unit that they sent to you.

    Yes, you also could put an overlay sign during all the video pointing that the image quality is NOT the expected in the final product.

    As you can't re-shoot the whole LX100 review, you may put a Youtube annotation all over the video saying the "not final unit image quality" message.

    You guys make an AWESOME work doing reviews for free. It's brand's fault if they sent you an unfair faulty camera! Keep up the good work!

  5. I was rubbing my eyes with disbelief when I heard @***** say how poor quality the Panasonic Handycam was in the original video. I have always been so impressed with Panasonic's prosumer cameras image quality.
    I'm looking forward to testing one out in a sports environment very soon.

  6. Good call on the public rectification.
    To be entirely fair and as annotations don't work for half the audience on YouTube who will never know, it would probably be fair to take down the LX100 review and re-upload.
    Even if Panasonic didn't indicate the HC-X1000 sent was a non-final model, the histogram stuck in the middle of the screen was a clear enough indication to not expose it as a review device, so it was your mistake indeed.
    Thanks for all your work, appreciated!

  7. Hi Jordan/TCS, I wouldn't feel too bad about jumping the gun. Panasonic should have made it perfectly clear to you guys that it was an early prototype, with big "Not for review" stickers on the case/packaging for example, or even on the camera itself. And besides, why did they bother sending a video camera to you if you can't take the video quality or user interface into consideration? …Unless Panasonic just wanted feedback on the physical design, physical button layout and how it feels in the hand, and if that's the case then respect to Panasonic for getting feedback on these things so early in the camera's design.

  8. Thanks TCS. I know everyone says preproduction may differ from final, but it seems a tad strange to send out something which is so different from final. Perhaps Panasonic just wanted external feedback on size and handling before last rounds of tweaks.

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