Home StreamLight I tricked out a CZ Scorpion, updated review

I tricked out a CZ Scorpion, updated review


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  1. Good evening I truly enjoyed your video I’m thinking about purchasing something like this with all the modifications you showed of possible what was the final cost for everything that on that setup including the Sights

  2. I pick up my grey Evo 3 tomorrow I already received my Romeo 5 red dot n the magpull D50 round drum. I looked at hpindustries last night so Imah get the red trigger n the safety delete is a must what do u think about the Ak style safety buttons they carry on that site?

  3. The CZ mags suck in the ARV the locking mechanism is different and the CZ mags can move down slightly when properly locked in causing misfeeding. I have a scorpion and a ARV the mags don't play nice with each other and I only use PSA in the ARV and vice versa

  4. This video is about the CZ Scorpion Evo S3.
    Why everyone is nuthuggin' this guy and referring him over to commie as Netflix like he's some Hollywood actor?
    There's hardly any comments about that awesome little weapon he's reviewing

  5. I never have any issue with the charging handle on the left and the size of the charging handle is something I never think about. Works fine and has never been in my way. The recoil has not been an issue for me. It may be more but it's light enough to where I don't really even think about it. I can keep it on target with no issue.My Mags are manticore arms and I have not had any problem. I use underwood High Performance +P+ and ARX Intercepter alternating in my Mags with no issues as my primary ammo. It does eat everything I put in it with no problem. I prefer to run the gun with no brace. That's how I have practiced at the range with it and I don't see a need but that is just me. I like the way it feels and looks right out of the box with a good optic added. I don't even think about the trigger, I can nail the targets just the way it is. I did clip and sand down the right safety switch. Came out pretty clean and was free. It's really easy to take off and put back on.

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