Home AR-15 Essential AR-15 Accessories

Essential AR-15 Accessories


With the increase in AR-15 purchases, we figured it would be a good idea to do a video on what we feel are the most essential accessories for your AR-15. Thanks for watching!

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  1. Thanks. I'm that guy. First time gun buyer and inexperienced. I got the M and P 7.5 inch pistol for home protection. I got a Mepro M-21 red dot for optics. I'll probably add the light and forward grip next. Maybe a sling for practice 🤷

  2. Where are you guys located? Do you have a website? I looked on your YouTube page and couldn’t find a link to your website or anything. I’d like to personally check out your store if your close or make a trip out to meet you guys.

  3. We have the exact weapon philosophy as far as set-up. When asked why so many add-ons, you do have to remind them they are quick detach. They are on their for contingency especially if it is ARPistol you travel with. I also am not getting why so many people say you only need a red dot or a laser. How do you learn basic rifle marksmanship without iron/flip-up sights. My mind is blown by that one. Iron sights are tertiary, but in my mind mandatory for any rifle. The magnification basically gives a small AR platform the ability to serve as a mini-recon/patrol rifle. Or, you home with family and somebody wants to go shoot something to BBQ. A red dot alone is not good for either of those. Nice set-up.

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