Home AR-15 What is 3-Gun? | Introduction to the Shooting Sports

What is 3-Gun? | Introduction to the Shooting Sports

Professional shooters Dianna and Ryan Muller explain one of the fastest-growing shooting sports in the country; the action-packed multi-gun competition commonly known as “3-gun.” #3Gun #AR15 #ModernSportingRifle #Handgun #Pistol #Shotgun #MSR #LetsGoShooting #NSSF

Competitors use three different firearms — a modern sporting rifle (MSR), typically a rifle built on an AR-platform; a handgun; and a shotgun. Matches generally involve courses where the shooter must move through different stages and engage targets in a variety of different positions. Each stage will generally require the use of different firearms and require the shooter to transition between them.

“3-Gun really keeps me interested and on my toes. It’s an accuracy-based game and a timed event. You’re picking up, you’re putting down, you’re trying not to get disqualified, you’re trying to remember the course of fire…. The game hooked me, but I fell in love with the people!” ~Dianna Muller
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  1. Thanks for the video and for explaining the way you did what kind of people we can expect. You’ve succeeded in adding a new three gunner to the community! I’ll be looking for competitions in my area this year! Thank you

  2. I'm 33, live in state of Washington, just learned how to shoot and would love to get into this field. Am I too old to start or it's still realiatic for me? I would have no idea where to start from.

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