Home AR-15 Fast AR 15 Magazine Loader MagPump

Fast AR 15 Magazine Loader MagPump


MagPump: One of the Fastest AR-15 Magazine Loaders
Load your AR mags in 30 secs or less.

Available at Brownells

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  1. There is a 30rd quick loader that was $20, it works great you just can't be lazy, this looks like it's for handicapped people. I am not saying this product is bad but there are other cheaper options.

  2. Is it just me… Or i like loading boards better… I mean… Its just a board… And it doubles as a wall decoration. It feels faster and just looks more satisfying when u push the ammo in

  3. When it comes to dumping a mag, the top round is held in by pressure from the next round. If you just press down on the second round while holding the mag horizontal, the top round will simply fall out. Use a loose round to press down on the second round in the mag. You can empty 30 rds in 15 seconds.

  4. Thats not the fastest, I still think the Board is faster. Slide them in with how many you want then just push them in n done, No lever that you have to keep hitting to put one round in at a time.

  5. Just purchased a Caldwell Mag Charger AR-15 TAC-30 magazine loader for $30+tax. Has 3 channels for 10 rounds each and once the rounds are loaded into the channels, either with or without stripper clips, a 30 round mag can be loaded in about 10 seconds. That is significantly faster and easier than the Strip Lula I have. The down side is it is not any more convenient in a SHTF situation than the Mag Pump because of its size. In a SHTF situation, the Strip Lula is much more compact and easily carried, although it only loads 10 rounds at a time, with or without stripper clips, but great for portability in the field… fits in your pocket. The only down side to the Caldwell Mag Charger is that it is made of plastic, and how long it will last I will only know once I put it into use. That said, several YouTube videos show how it's used and it appears to be simple to operate. So I guess it's personal preference and how and where you plan to use these devices as well as cost and device durability that will determine which one you prefer.

  6. I would extend the feed lever for comfort while using, or create a foot lever attachment and just press with your feet or how about a electrical mechanism controlled with a pi, just key in the mag capacity and let her rip.

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