Home AR-15 Gun owners debate owning an AR-15

Gun owners debate owning an AR-15


Gun owners debate gun control proposals in the wake of the school shooting in Florida.

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  1. I come from Indonesia. My country not allowing civilian to own a gun.

    I am curious, is it true that people who against gun control laws want or hope that gun can be qualified as a "normal" tool that can be own by many of American as much as they want? For example like knife. We understand that people can buy knife in many sizes as much as they want. It's common sense that knife is only use for good purpose only. But "bad person" can use knife to harm people.

    You hope that all American will think is not a "big deal" to have a gun. We know that we own a gun for protection but we have to admit there are crazy people out there who wants to use it as their tool to do crime.

    Is that already happen in US or not? If not, is it true that you want it to be like that?

  2. I agree with everything that lady is saying I just bought me a AR-15 for that very purpose home that is my constitutional right to own one speaking as a black man who live on the south side of Chicago were the crime have went through the roof because of these bulshit liberal policies and defunding of the police gun control do not work we got gangs in Chicago fighting over drug turf that don't give a shit about gun control when why you trying to disarm the American people are you going to disarm the bloods and the crips to are you going to come into Chicago and disarm the black gangster that's a rhetorical question because already know to that most of the people that want to answer and hell no mostly of you people they want to ban AR-15 k tell me the difference between a fully automatic and a semi-automatic assault mostly people never fired a gun before to quote Malcolm x who was a big supporter of the Fourth amendment he said I will use whatever weapons necessary to defend and protect myself it is my god-given right my constitutional right my human rights and every other high right you see Malcolm x understood the hypocrisies of the white liberal

  3. "The AR-15 isn't a constitutionally protected right!"
    Stupidest statement she has ever made. Also any weapon the government has should be available to us, the people. That was the point of the 2nd Amendment. There should be no line genius

  4. Congrats that woman made excellent points calm and collectively. Everything she said was accurate. Our constitution is responsible for the best country in the world the more we stray from it the worse the country seems to get.

  5. Fucking deluded. What about a Rocket launcher, better than an assault rifle. Wake up lunies. If the gun wasn't there in the first place, the mental person wouldn't b able to carry out the massacre. Teachers shouldn't need to b in that position to use a gun in the first place. Nut jobs all of u

  6. We all need an AR-15 for protection, what a load of crap. Basically u just want to obliterate the shit out of the intruder for protection. Yeah I can fit my AR-15 in my handbag. Dopey woman in the middle, its called an amendment, which can mean a change, u doughnut

  7. I might get some hate for this but what if we just sold old school revolvers and repeaters then in cases of a tyrannical government or invasion caches open up of military grade hardware then they are to be returned

  8. People need to stop trying to interpret what the Constitution means. It is very clearly written in English why is it we all speak English yet we need it to be interpreted for us. The Wonder So many Nations think we're idiots because we all speak the same f**** language but we need to interpreted.

  9. Leftists want to disarm their people so they can rob you without issues. Save a life and kill a leftist. Another reason they want to disarm their people is that liberals are Marxists pretending to be democratic and need culling from society , it's just common sense

  10. We have armed guards at our banks, government buildings, politicians, and celebrities. Yet we all believe that children are our most important asset. Why would we not protect them as well? Mass shooters hit soft targets, rarely will you see a mass shooter hit hard targets (Banks, government buildings, etc. )

  11. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people, let’s not forget a gun can’t choose to do something different, give a Psychopath a kitchen knife they’ll kill you, if they have to use their hands they will, it’s a choice, guns is not the issue, Psychopath are, there isn’t anything people can do to make the world a better place, it the truth, there will always be another hitler as long as mankind exist, that’s the issue.

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