Home CMMG PSA Upper Receiver Autopsy – Part 1

PSA Upper Receiver Autopsy – Part 1


This PSA Upper Receiver was sent by a SOTAR Facebook Member. It’s been back to PSA at least once. Severe Issues were detected.

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  1. I’d be curious how many of these out of spec rifles had issues functioning and/or more than 500 rounds through them. I feel like the majority of folks watching these spend more time on the internet solving problems they didn’t even know they had than shooting drills to standards.

  2. I am always relieved when I look at my stuff and do not see or experience the issues he talks about in the autopsies. It's easy to think that more products have these defects than is reality when you watch so many of these videos.

  3. Just as good they say…

    PSA is a good company because they put a large volume of firearms into the market. They are decent most of the time as a range toy or first rifle to learn on. But just as good as their fans claim.. can't agree. With that said my very first AR15 was a PSA freedom key mod 16". It wouldn't cycle the day I got it. Turned out it was missing roll pins. But it was a learning experience and after that it was a great rifle I used for training and education. A decent back up rifle for friends at the range. But while I was on patrol I used a Daniel Defense V7p. PSA isn't "just as good" but they are a valuable company in the firearms industry for what they are.

  4. How the fuck has that rifle not blown up already, if it's making contact with those locking lugs then it can't go past unless inertia pushes the bolt face to fit. But that rifle shouldn't even be firing, and no shit he's having accuracy issues, it's probably not even going into battery.

  5. I'm going to check out my KS47 for this issue. My firing pin keeps falling out and the last trip to the range the bolt wouldn't seat into the extension until I pressed up on the bolt just a little. Still waiting for PSA to get back with me on this. This unit has been nothing but problems out of the gate. Waited 7 months for it hit stock and can't even get a full mag out of it without issues.

  6. OUCH – very bad quality control. You would think that an alignment check of that sort would be a standard part of quality assurance for a firearm. The fact that it fails, makes it unfit for purpose!

  7. My psa 10.5 in fn barreled upper shoots 1 moa groups at 75 yards consistently! Never had a problem with psa in the 5 years I've dealt with them. Thanks for the video very informative, subbed.

  8. I like what psa is trying to do, but it seems like during this time of pandemic they have raised their prices while losing quality control! Assembled two AR’s last night and neither one would go together due to tolerances on rear take down lug being to big, gets wedged very tightly so now I have to try and file them down…

  9. Well, if BCM and Centurion and all the quality manufacturers are out of stock, and all there is to buy is PSA… maybe some of you should literally save some 2A for the rest of us

  10. Really appreciated this informative video. I see a lot of raving about Palmetto products and how good they are for the price. However, looking at problems like this one shows that quality control is essential and when production demands a greater number, quality suffers. I don't know much about their service, but my limited experience with them is just to get a hold of one of their customer service rep is almost impossible. I taught me something that many of us sometimes get flustered with accuracy and here is a vivid example as to why such poor performance.

  11. I've realized after putting together a few guns that it's pretty common for parts to be out of spec. I've bought parts from Brownell's, PSA, and Aero Precision that had serious issues. PSA customer service is terrible. It's a good place to buy magazines and things like that but you take a chance buying guns or parts for cheap. I think BCM is pretty good so far. I'm thinking to just buy complete guns in the future from a manufacturer that that actually checks everything like this because you just end up spending more in the long run to fix it. It would be good to see a video on where you get those tools and gauges or how you make them.

  12. I've bought a number of things from PSA over the years and I've had a couple of problems that they've remedied quickly but I've also had a problem or two with a couple of the higher end manufacturers and they weren't fixed quite as quickly or easily. Considering the amount that PSA sells and the fact that most of it would be considered "budget", I think they do acceptably well. They wouldn't enjoy the success they do if all they put out was junk. Also, they fill a need for a lot of shooters who can't afford higher end equipment. Don't take a gun elitist attitude. We need to (legally) put guns into the hands of everybody who wants them and PSA helps to fill that need.

  13. I appreciate the methodology: describe the problem, detail the tell-tale signs, inspect with two different instruments, then confirm accurate assessment with positive control(s) on both instruments. Glad I found this channel, the YT algorithm did something right for once.

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