Home AR-15 The Ar15 is the answer

The Ar15 is the answer


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  1. Forsure it is, especially here in the United states. It's a combat proven platform and has been in frontline service for over 50 years. If that doesn't show you that you can rely your life on it, than I don't know what will. Plus if you have only one complete lower you can have a 5.56 upper and a 300 blk our upper and all you have to do is pop two pins and switch uppers and you have a different caliber AR. Show me an AK system that is that easy to convert.

  2. There’s a reason why some choose the donut of death model even though it’s fairly long in the tooth, one would know they can go in any business or home on this continent and find double AA’s to make sure it runs for the rest of their life…. buy quality over quantity, 1 fully kitted rifle is far more valuable than having 12 different ones with irons and no accessories.

  3. When it comes to anything in life I'm a firm believer in buying once and crying once. This doesnt mean you have to go buy the most expensive . It just means buy the one you really want after doing your own research. I'm too poor to buy cheap crap . Go with something tried and true with proven track record .

  4. Love the videos where you explain things like this. Thanks for your great honest videos. Just an idea on a video….. prepping as a Christian. I was talking with a pastor the other day about putting food away, learning how to process food, hunt , etc and he gave me a spill on how we need to trust god more. In my opinion I trust god more by prepping because I believe he is going to do what his word says he is going to do. Just an idea and would love to hear your opinion on stuff like this. Love how humble you are too. Keep em coming. 🤙

  5. I like to think I have an idea of who you are and what you represent. That's why I keep coming back. I'm putting cash back for a tactical training course. Mimicking what I see on some of these channels is not the same, I understand. My wife and I have been doing dry fire drills, Mozambique drills, 666 drills 2 by 2 advance and retreat drills. Yes nothing is like professional training.

  6. Ironic… you served your country, got a degree in homeland security, started a business. But now your country considers you an extremist

  7. I agree Jacob. I also have sold all my toy Guns. My AR is chambered in 7.62 x 39 and I love it. Runs great. But once being young I have thrown away a lot of cash on stuff I did not need . Now that I'm older and wiser I have realized that the man who has only one gun is most likely very good with it "Jeff Cooper" So I have narrowed mine down . Good advice and Good job.

  8. Ideas for spare parts, Ive seen ar15 hammer pins break, the nipple shaped detent that holds the buffer weight in, those break when the gun is strongly gassed. Ive seen two barrels get ruined from squib loads from the same batch of wolf 223.

  9. My first ak was a rwc saiga in 545 amazing gun all forged parts super heavy lazer beam tac driver sold it and brought a waffen werks ak74 instantly i knew something was way off the gun didnt weight shit chalk like spongy metal this way long before anyone knew what a cast ak was come to find out its was a u.s made ak by the guy who started DDI

  10. Im alittle new to investing but i think bubble burst = something has been high and suddenly drops.

    The term you were looking for would of been something like, it had been consolidating and had a reversal, or you could say it bounced.

  11. Not to correct ya brother : fascism
    The evil twin of communism .
    The real question is who do they serve ?
    Who do you serve ?
    All the ammo in the world doesn’t compare to the knowledge of ….
    it’s a matter of the ♥️

  12. I appreciate your content and honesty sir. Been subbed for a little while now. I just have one question. What has been your favorite style of pistol grip for the AR platform? I cannot stand the A2 grip and currently have granulate textured talon grips on mine. Just would like your input on this. Thanks again for the uploads, a lot of us appreciate the facts, truth and honesty.

  13. Thank you Jacob. I agree that the Stoner rifles are ergonomic and simple to use. With that said, it is paramount that everyone in your circle (including elderly and children) learn the manual of arms and safe handling of that platform, or any platform you possess.

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