Home CMMG H&K MP5K Vs CMMG Banshee

H&K MP5K Vs CMMG Banshee


Two of the absolute best 9mm pistol caliber carbines going head to head to find out which one is right for you.

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  1. I have to agree that Banshee is a great choice for its price as well as its reliability. I will always love the appearance of slapping the H&K into submission when opening a can of whip ass–as seen since my childhood–but the Banshee is a much simpler system. I love them both for their reliabilities.

  2. Outlaw, when you shoot the MP5K it looks like you are ten feet tall and weigh 400 pounds, or the gun is a 1/2 scale model that fails to fit your paws. Either way, the gun looks like it’s not big enough to be remotely ergonomic.

  3. I like the video and respect your opinion. The ar manual of arms is better and more familiar. You should try your k version mp5 with the folding “brace” if you haven’t. Any day I’d go with my 10.3 ar over either of these though…

  4. HELP
    I’m new into guns and I was looking for a smaller caliber to my new EDC for self defense but I’m not sure which round is more reliable .32 acp or .380 …. I’d appreciate y’alls opinion… thanks 😁

  5. Why did you erroneously use "MP5K" in the title? The MP5K is select-fire, and not the weapon in the video. You even acknowledged in the video that the gun you're actually talking about is the SP5K. The title is downright misleading.

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