Home CMMG Ambidextrous Magazine Release – New Product Showcase – March 2020

Ambidextrous Magazine Release – New Product Showcase – March 2020


The world has been built around right-handed people, and so was every feature on the AR platform. Now, ambidextrous is all the rage, so we’re please to introduce our new JP Ambi. Magazine Release for all the lefties out there. This simple-to-install mag. release is a game charger for all of you wrong-handed shooters out there. See more in March’s New Product Showcase.

JP Ambi. Mag. Catch:

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  1. How much pressure does this take to release the mag roughly? I can appreciate it not pivoting off the reciever, but that is what helped the forward controls ambi mag release not have accidental releases.

  2. You guys are a special kind of stupid. The whole point of a demonstration video is to see the product in action. Between the two of you there were not enough brain cells to realize you needed to actually insert and drop magazines to properly demonstrate how this item works.

  3. Everyone's over here complaining about price JP's great stuff y'all know it or you wouldn't be here also I've paid quite a bit for all my Ambi parts. I wish jp had this when i built my rifle

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