Home AR-15 Anti Gun Mom Shoots Ar15 For The First Time….Becomes Pro gun!

Anti Gun Mom Shoots Ar15 For The First Time….Becomes Pro gun!


my anti gun mom came to shoot with me and some friends a while back. ended up with a new outlook on firearms, the firearm community, and why we like and do what we do.

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  1. An AR15 is great in war when 20 or 30 of your enemies are comming at you ready to kill you ,but rabbits and dear and even hogs don't shoot back at you ,or do you need a war weapon to kill these animals. I've been a hunter since I was 12 and my pops bought me a 30 od 6 it served me just fine until i was 67 my age now . Point dont buy into the Republicans crap about the 2nd amendment in all my life I have never been asked to vote on any bill banning weapons anywhere in any state or has anyone ever knocked on my door demanding my weapons it's just not true and to be honest the only thing I see with these ar15 or ak47s are mass murder weapons in my own country of children, innocent bystanders and for no reason at all except to kill Americans. WHAT AND WHERE ARE WE HEADED WITH THIS INSANITY 🤔

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