Home AR-15 How to Shoot a Rifle Off-Hand | MSR Shooting Tips with Ryan...

How to Shoot a Rifle Off-Hand | MSR Shooting Tips with Ryan Muller

Professional shooter, Ryan Muller, demonstrates with an AR-style modern sporting rifle (MSR) how he prefers to shoot from an off-hand and standing position.
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  1. The main problem I have experienced regarding your last point (timing your trigger pull with your unavoidable movement) is "jerking" the trigger when I attempt to fire the gun at the precisely correct moment. I find that for me, at least, my shots group much better when I concentrate on minimizing motion as much as possible, squeezing the trigger, and let the gun fire at whatever point it will in my motion pattern. I might add that sometimes when it fires I think I probably missed the entire target, only to find on closer inspection that the bullet hit the bull's eye. Obviously that is the exception rather than the rule, but as I said, I do get better groups this way.

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