Home CMMG CMMG Banshee at the Range

CMMG Banshee at the Range


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Yesterday we looked at the novel Radial Delayed Blowback system invented by CMMG for their 9mm AR carbines; today we are taking it out to the range to try. It does indeed do exactly as advertised – even in a lighter platform like this SBR, the recoil impulse is significantly less than in simple blowback 9mm ARs. Very cool to see innovation still existing in a marketplace that has been so heavily optimized!

Forgotten Weapons
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Tucson, AZ 85740

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  1. I bought a 5" version for my wife recently. It is extremely soft shooting and extremely easy to be accurate with offhand. Hers and my favorite PCC (or PCP pistol caliber pistol?). I have two more on order directly from CMMG.

  2. I built one of these using CMMG'S armorers kit and a Aero XL upper. I added a longer buffer tube with a 9mm hydraulic buffer and Tubbs 300blk spring. The thing shoots so soft it's amazing. I'd say it's softer than an MP5 and that is saying alot. I pair it with a obsidian 45 supressor. It's a really sweet combo. Bring on the zombies!

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