Home EOTech Comparing the new Holosun 512 to the Eotech EXP

Comparing the new Holosun 512 to the Eotech EXP


With the line of Holosun optics continuing to expand I wanted to compare the new Holosun 512 to a well known holographic optic, the Eotech EXP. I chose the EXP for comparison due to the similar features and size.

NOTE: At approximately 13:49 there is a transcoding glitch in the video. There was a statement of assumed durability of the Holosun VS. the Eotech (and other military grade units). For a home use, hobby use or occasional use, I believe the Holosun’s durability will exceed the need of most. That being said, the durability of military grade units cannot be questioned. They have been battle proven, literally. If I were in a prolonged life and death situation, yeah, military grade all the way! Other than that, the Holosun is an excellent value for the dollar and my go-to for non-military grade optics.

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  1. Have you used the 512C with NVG’s yet? I’ve seem some Holosun models that are supposedly NV compatible have a coating on the lens that makes looking through the optic almost too dark for use with NODs. Wondering if this model has that issue, thanks

  2. The parallax issue is a huge reason why I have chosen not to buy any-more red dots. I have the 510 and have an Aimpoint PRO and they have that bit of parallax. I'm not a competition shooter or some marksman by any means but … I want the most accurate picture and alignment for my shots. Also in the civilian world that slight bit of inaccuracy could become a legal issue if you have to make that crucial shot. As far as – non-precision shooting/torso or type shooting sure a red dot is fine.

  3. Just installed the hs512 on the wife's AR I'm just blown away at how nice it is. Im getting the xps2-0 for my rifle but now a little hesitant because I can't be sure its any better. It nay end up being worse!

  4. A good comparison. Holosun is an interesting company though I would say the one main thing that has stopped me from ever trying one out is the fact they’re made in China.

    I have 7 EOTech optics in total. Two 552s, two G33s, one EXPS3, one 512, and one 518. All have served well and EOTech customer service is a pleasure to work with.

    For both battle proven quality as well as supporting the United States, especially given current events, I’d have to suggest spending the extra cash and going with the American optic. Just my opinion.

  5. There's a reason why no military unit is using a Holosun product, also no Federal law enforcement agency uses Holosun products. You can't buy performance, however, you can buy affordable performance that meets the standards for civilian/casual use. For duty use, military applications Holosun or any other cheaply made Chinese clone optic is not a logical choice. These products are marketed for civilian use, hobbyist, etc Is Holosun a decent product? Sure it is… For the price, features but I wouldn't put my life on a Holosun product or any Chinese clone. Buy American, support American made quality and spend your money wisely….

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