Home CMMG AK Rail Install

AK Rail Install

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  1. HEy NUtnfancy Eros here from italy… not the best gunsmith job in the world ..but hey.. if it works for you.. !? then for me it is ok too… !!i would have done it with the trigger out of the gun and in a sturdier place but that it would have been my way to do that modding …

  2. Hell man before id grind and fk things up id just get a Texas Dog Leg rail top cover and mount a Compact 4x pr a Red Dot. I hate the bulky AK side mounts they look like shit . OMG Fancy your killing us here man lmfao

  3. First of all Nutn, there was nothing wrong with the original rail, you're just completely incompetent and failed to realize the RS Regulate can be adjusted just for the very reason you cut the rail off. Now you don't have all of your rear trunion rivets and guess what? That UTG rail you put on WILL NOT WORK WITH THE RS REGULATE MOUNT because the UTG side rail has a sloped back and there is nothing for the RS Regulate mount to stop against when the gun is recoiling. The RS regulate mount will ride up the slope and come loose and/or it will wear out or shear off parts of the aluminum RS regulate mount. Good Job, proving every day that you're a complete nutcase.

  4. Nutn…people trust you and yes this is your rifle, and probably saved a few ounces but there are so many better ways to fix this. Adjust the mount itself for windage, buy the 307 mount, or get higher optics rings, this was probably not the best route creating a few interference's and knocking out rivets.

  5. I have a M70 underfolder and got that UTG rail for it. Have a Definitive Arms uf-to-m4 stock converter for it, so underfolding stock not an issue. The problem is that the UTG rail is several mm thinner than standard rails. A Midwest Industries mount is way off center to the right b/c of that. It's center on a VEPR and Saiga, though.

  6. Painful to watch and using a hammer on an automatic center punch is totally retarded.
    Its a great video that demonstrates lack of planning , crappy tools and no work piece work support in action.
    (Hack job)

  7. Nutn  I love you my brother but, WOW, you really took the had way when all you had to do adjust the RS system. I have put these on over a dozen AK systems; no problem. You can tell by how much overhang of the pic rail on the AKR that it needs adjusting.

  8. This isn't like Nutnfancy, was this a youtube video experiment, to see what comments would be made by the watchers? That would explain why Nutnfancy hasn't responded to any of these comments.I wanted to see the finished rifle with the scope installed, at the end of the video.

  9. The AK-307 (Yugo mount) on my Zastava M77 (same rail as the M70), works great. The RS Regulate mount you got is great, just the wrong version for your rifle. RS Regulate might have swapped your mount.

  10. Nutn'…love you man but this was so painful I could hardly watch! Lol You're obviously aware now that the mount was slotted for adjustment but that's beside the point. If you're going to be doing projects like this in the future you should really invest in a better drill with some decent bits. I prefer walter or dormer drill bits, they're not cheap but well worth it! Next you need a good set of transfer punches, these are a must when mounting scope rails and would also help maintain some sanity among your TNPrs! lol I can't help but think a bench vise and some clamps would have made things a little easier. I probably would have used a caliper to more accurately align the new mount with the top of the receiver, but it is an AK were talking about. I would also recommend you tig weld that rear trunnion rivet to ensure it doesn't come loose now that you ground it off. Live and learn brother, keep up the vids!

  11. I really don't think enough respect is being given to how precisely this has to be aligned, and in more ways than just 'level' from the top of the receiver.

    Sorry Nutn, but where I'm currently at is that an AK will do this to you all day long. Make stuff difficult and expensive, for diminished returns. Whatever caliber you want, but it just needs to be in a better platform than the AK. Sick of money and energy going into mine…

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