Home AR-15 Big Bore AR-15s vs Pine Board Box!

Big Bore AR-15s vs Pine Board Box!



For today’s video we have some fun with several big bore AR-15s and the pine board box! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!

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  1. Be the first to see how many dildos does it take to stop a bullet….hahaha or have a diy ballistic gel with meat,ribs and oranges inside. Also where the big bore full auto friday

  2. I've actually tried to break 3 of those boards with my head. About the same result as you Scott. Maybe a little more painful. Next time try holding the boards on one side. 😆 Love the vids man. Keep it up.

  3. Great Video!!! Going back and looking at your other video. The 500 SW in pistol did 17 boards and the lever action did 19. So I guess 18 with the AR splits the difference. Question. If you were going to take a gun for bear protection which one would you choose. Considering the following… Hiking with it, recoil, effective penetration, speed of multiple shots, and accurate. Which grain bullet would you choose? I am fairly new to the channel I enjoy your sense of humor as well as the information. Keep up the good work. I wish You Tube was not becoming less friendly to guns. It would be interesting to test some of these questions with all the guns?

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