Home CMMG CMMG Resolute – Review and Range Test

CMMG Resolute – Review and Range Test


Here is my review of the CMMG Resolute rifle chambered for the 5.56mm NATO cartridge. In the video, I cover the features and specs of the Resolute, and also demonstrate its functioning an accuracy. Check out the video to see how it performed!

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  1. SOMEHOW! The comments were disabled for this video. I’ve now turned them on. If you tried to leave a comment earlier and couldn’t, please leave it now. Thanks for watching!

  2. I've seen CMMG shooting on YT before. I've visited their web site and would love to buy one in .458 Socom but I just can't afford another rifle at this time and I think that I've got enough. Peace be with you, Howard.

  3. HR, Are you competing at all this year? You've given us so much information and knowledge we would like to learn more on Service Rifle if you're not burned out on that?

  4. Wind effect at 200? Maybe on the shooter, but it'd have to be almost a gale to throw those rounds around much that close. I would respectfully suggest triple checking your optic mounting from that first segment with the cqb sight. I know you can shoot just fine and that last group seems to suggest the rifle is just fine.

  5. Some people may think that “Tack Whack” shot is easy because it’s so close. It takes a lot of practice to be good with the offhand shot (and in my case a lot of luck as well!).
    Great shooting and nice rifle!

  6. Your offhand shooting is remarkable. While watching I gauged your rt elbow with a white spot in background. You were so steady I began to think I was looking at a still. I am impressed everytime I watch one of your videos. Honesty and technique shown are above reproach. This review was well done. I've been a BlackHills fan since the very early '90s. I only subed about a month ago when I found you. Best firearms channel I've seen. Keep up the high standards. God Bless and see you on the next one.

  7. Thanks for turning the comments back on. Ain't technology great sometimes!!!??? Great review. Living in the Communist state of Cuomo we are limited to a few AR configurations so it's nice to see what's available out there. Thanks HR.

  8. With the advent of the "kit" guns on the market, I have lost all "need" for a premium AR style rifle. That being said, there is a need for them and everyone should have one whether they build it themselves or buy one already made. If I was in the market for a super accurate AR15, this one would certainly be on the list. It looks cool and has the needed accouterments to make additions to it. Floating forend is a must for sub MOA guns as proven with this rifle. Love the color being a Marine from the era when that was what we wore 99.9999% of the time. All of my handguns and several of my AR's are embellished with OD Green hardware.
    Your shooting is superb as always HR. Keep up the good work!
    Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next qualification video though…… 😉

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