Home AR-15 AR-15 Pistol Use | Personal Defense Network

AR-15 Pistol Use | Personal Defense Network


AR-15 pistols have recently seen a resurgence in popularity and for several good reasons. The ability to have a compact firearm with the performance and ergonomics of the AR-15 rifle is very attractive for those looking for potent vehicle or home defense options. AR pistols carry specific reliability, performance, legal and training issues. In this video, Rob Pincus discusses the reasons that you might want to consider an AR pistol and the most important things you need to know about their ownership and use.

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  1. When I decided to built my own AR pistol, I purposely leave the buffer tube last that I will not buy anything that will resemble illegal. After much searching and reading I went with the exact configuration you can see in this video but put on a 7.5” barrel for the same reason.

  2. yes….lets base how to use a firearm to defend yourself based on the arbitrary whims of the ATF (which you have interpreted incorrectly BTW)…..and not the most effective means to use the weapon to save your life…….if you are an "instructor" i suggest you find another line of work, because there is a good chance youre teaching something that will get someone killed.

  3. NFA (1), doesn't make law, Congress does. (2), is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. (3), can KISS MY ASS. It's my weapon, I can, AND WILL use it how I see fit. GFY

  4. UPDATE: AS of April 24th, 2017: Shouldering AR Pistols is now apparently Okay (again)… according to BATFE. Be sure to research the current laws yourself!

  5. intent would be hard to prove
    according to atf pistols are meant to be fired with one hand, yet instructors teach 2 hands on pistol, and everyone in the US shoots pistols 2 hands.
    my opinion atf or any govt-lae enforcement can not tell you how to shoot firearms(hold firearms) unless your being unsafe.

  6. so you're telling me in a life-or-death defense situation you wouldn't consciously or subconsciously press the butt of that firearm to your shoulder? When your life depended on it? bullshit.

  7. Make NO mistake a AR 15 platform pistol is no novelty. I can fire a 300 blackout 7.5" pistol head, chest, shoulder to shoulder shot on ten targets in under 60 seconds in paper! Yes this isn't under stress or moving combat targets but you get my point!

  8. This is the Personal Defense Network right? Well if I am using this "Pistol" for "personal Defense I am going to shoot it the best way that I was trained. It is a novelty as a pistol but since I have been using an AR platform for more than half of my life, I will probably return to the way I was trained. In a stressful situation no one is going to think about the stupid ATF rulings. You are going to revert back to the way you have been trained. Use the pistol and enjoy it at the range as it should be used, but under stress; life or death, Damn everybody, save your life first and sort everything else out afterwards.

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