Home CMMG Step-by-Step AR-15 Drop-In Quad Rail Handguard Installation in less than 5 minutes

Step-by-Step AR-15 Drop-In Quad Rail Handguard Installation in less than 5 minutes


Our step-by-step guide for installing a carbine length 2 piece drop-in quad rail handguard on an AR-15. Total install time – less than 5 minutes. To view our full line of quad rail handguards, visit us at

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  1. I have one of these on my home defense rifle and it is really a great product for the price. I just needed to mount a flashlight, QD sling mount, and vert grip on my rifle and this thing is perfect for that. I wouldn't suggest it for mounting anything that needs to be sighted in and hold a zero (except for maybe a CQB laser) but I really don't think that is the purpose of this quad-rail.

  2. Just installed the rails on my DPMS AR and it is as simple to install as the video say it is. There is a slight wobble to it but nothing to worry about. Very happy and I have already mounted a vertical foregrip and a bipod. Next up a laser/taclight combo that hasn't arrive yet.

  3. Wear gloves when you're running one of these quad rails. Learned that the hard way in the army. I tripped and ended up with a couple stitches and a black and blue fingernail.

  4. Just ordered my quad rail 2 days ago. So ready for it to get here. More specks for new equipment instead of just one that I got on the bottom. I'm really liking the extra amount holes between the specks that allows heat control!

  5. I recently purchased one of these quad rails and am having trouble getting it lined up correctly with the other rails on the rifle. My rifle has a railed gas tube and flat top upper receiver and this quad rail attachment has about a 3 degree counter clockwise cant that is driving me absolutely insane. Any tips on how to "level" this hand gaurd in respects to the other rails on the rifle? And yes, I have tried loosening the left hand screws and tightening the right hand screws down further to counteract the can't but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Please help.

  6. Yours is the best and professional video on installing a Drop-In Quad Rail Handguard on You Tube. I just received my Quad Rail Handugard so I can use a Vertical Hand Grip so I can use my Bumpfire stock. I kept trying to get the tapered end of the hand guard on the front like the plastic ones I removed. My Xtreme Tactical Sports M4 Carbine hand guard didn't come with any instructions.
    As soon as the part of your video that showed in which direction it went it was a breeze.

  7. Ordered my quad rail on cyber Monday & arrived at my home 2 days later. Really happy with the shipping & the quality of materials used to make it are superb! I've already recommended you guys to a few people. 5 star rating from me !

  8. Do you know if your rails fit on the Ruger AR 556? They have a delta ring but its threaded and moved by twisting it rather than forcing backwards with a tool.

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